[Haskell-beginners] Exercise of "Programming with Arrows"

Thiago Negri evohunz
Mon Oct 7 17:05:24 UTC 2013

The paper "Programming with Arrows" of John Hughes gives some exercises to
do [1].
I'm trying to solve it and would like to receive a feedback if I'm doing it
right or not before reading the rest of the paper.
I didn't find the answers in the internet (if someone could point me to it,
please do so).

Exercise 2 (section 2.5) is asking to create a Stream Processor that can
map more than one output per input (e.g. 3 outcomes for a single consume of
the stream).

The paper says that implementing "first" will be tricky, and it really is.
I've came up to the solution listed below, *is it right?*
module SP where

import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import Control.Category
import Control.Arrow

data SP a b = Put b (SP a b) | Get (a -> SP a b)

runSP :: SP a b -> [a] -> [b]
runSP (Put b s) as = b:runSP s as
runSP (Get k) (a:as) = runSP (k a) as
runSP (Get k) [] = []

compose :: SP b c -> SP a b -> SP a c
compose (Put a s) g = Put a (compose s g)
compose (Get k) (Put a s) = compose (k a) s
compose f (Get k) = Get (\a -> compose f (k a))

instance Category SP where
  id = arr id
  (.) = compose

instance Arrow SP where
  arr f = Get (\a -> Put (f a) (arr f))
  first (Put a s) = Get (\(a', c) -> Put (a, c) (delayed (a', c) s))
  first (Get k) = Get (\(a, c) -> firstWithValue (k a) c)

delayed :: (a, c) -> SP a b -> SP (a, c) (b, c)
delayed (a, c) (Put b s) = Put (b, c) (delayed (a, c) s)
delayed (a, c) (Get k) = firstWithValue (k a) c

firstWithValue :: SP a b -> c -> SP (a, c) (b, c)
firstWithValue (Put a s) c = Put (a, c) (firstWithValue s c)
firstWithValue (Get k) _ = Get (\(a, c) -> firstWithValue (k a) c)

input :: [(String, String)]
input = [("a1", "a2"), ("b1", "b2"), ("c1", "c2"), ("d1", "d2")]

myArrow :: SP (String, String) (String, String)
myArrow = (delay "db1" >>> delay "da1") *** (delay "db2" >>> delay "da2")

delay :: a -> SP a a
delay b = Put b (arr id)

main :: IO ()
main = let output = runSP myArrow input in mapM_ f output
  where f (a, b) = putStrLn $ "(" ++ show a ++ ", " ++ show b ++ ")"

The output of "main" is:

*SP> main
("da1", "da2")
("da1", "db2")
("da1", "a2")
("db1", "a2")
("a1", "a2")
("b1", "b2")
("c1", "c2")
("d1", "d2")

[1] http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~rjmh/afp-arrows.pdf
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