[Haskell-beginners] confusing type signature with sections

Keshav Kini keshav.kini
Thu Oct 3 15:04:34 UTC 2013

Patrick Redmond <plredmond at gmail.com> writes:

> Thank you both!
>> The key is that typeclasses are open. You could write a Fractional instance
>> for (a -> a), in which case it would be possible to do _something_ with this
>> code. Would it be useful? Even Haskell can't guarantee that.
> Yes, this is important! Thanks.
>> Now, because we are writing ((+ 1) / 2) and we know that (/) takes two
>> arguments that must be of the same type, we know that the type (Num a')
>> => a' -> a' and the type (Num a'') => a'' have to be the same type, so
>> it must be that a' = a -> a, so now we have:
>>     (+ 1) :: (Num a, Num (a -> a)) => a -> a
>>     2 :: (Num a, Num (a -> a)) => a -> a
> I'm still a little confused here. How can passing "2" into "(+ 1) /"
> cause its type to be mangled? "2" has a type "(Num a) => a". How can
> the presence of "(+ 1)" force the type of "2" to suddenly accept an
> argument? How come it doesn't happen the other way around? (Meaning
> "2" forces the type of "(+ 1)" to become simply "(Num a) => a".)

Remember that in type signatures, "a" represents *any* type.  And one
example of a type that "a" can be is "b -> c", i.e. a function.  The
type isn't being mangled, it's being refined -- more information is
being added.  The type "a" doesn't say anything about arguments -- a
value of type "a" might be a function, or it might not be.  A value of
type "a -> a" is definitely a function, so something has been learned
about the type.  And you can't go the other way (making (+ 1) go from
type "a -> a" to just type "a") because that's throwing away


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