[Haskell-beginners] Quickcheck2 - writing a modifier for test data
Nathan Hüsken
nathan.huesken at posteo.de
Sun Mar 31 12:21:48 CEST 2013
Using quickcheck2 I want to generate test data, that is a tuple of
integers where both elements are >=0 and < 8.
So I am trying to write a modifier (in the sense of the modifiers found
in Modifiers.hs):
newtype ValidPos = ValidPos Pos deriving Show
instance Arbitrary ValidPos where
arbitrary = do
x <- elements [0..7]
y <- elements [0..7]
return (ValidPos (x,y))
prop_dummy (ValidPos pos) = fst pos > 0
tests = [ testGroup "Tests" [
testProperty "dummy" prop_dummy
main = defaultMain tests
doing so gives me this error:
No instance for (QuickCheck-2.4.2:Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary.Arbitrary
arising from a use of `testProperty'
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for
(QuickCheck-2.4.2:Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary.Arbitrary ValidPos)
In the expression: testProperty "dummy" prop_dummy
In the second argument of `testGroup', namely
`[testProperty "dummy" prop_dummy]'
In the expression:
testGroup "Tests" [testProperty "dummy" prop_dummy]
I declared the instance, why canit not be found?
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