[Haskell-beginners] Confused about lazy IO
Kim-Ee Yeoh
ky3 at atamo.com
Sun Mar 17 19:44:05 CET 2013
On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 5:52 AM, Jacek Dudek <jzdudek at gmail.com> wrote:
> (1) What is the proper way to reason about lazy IO?
Lazy IO is pull-driven. The stuff that comes out of a lazy read needs
to be /pulled/ by some weight to be actually read. The function
putStrLn exerts weight, as you've discovered. So does writeFile.
What's weightless is a pure function "lifted" (by liftM aka fmap) into IO.
> (2) Is there some action less arbitrary that what I cooked up in the
> second version that explicitly instructs to release a file or some
> other resource?
Explicitly managing resources means going the whole nine yards of
imperative programming. Which means reading and writing in
program-specified chunks, opening and closing file handles, dealing
with IO errors, etc.
If this sounds a lot like manual memory management, that's because it is.
So the dream is: is there an analogue of GC doing for IO what GC now
does for RAM?
Lazy I/O can be thought of as an hors d'oeuvre of that dream. Some
have complained about a queasy feeling in the stomach afterward.
Some of the strongest detractors of lazy I/O have proposed iteratees
as a more realistic substitute.
Just a few hours ago, Dan Doel wrote an email [1] to the haskell-cafe
list explaining how some problems of Lazy I/O can be resolved by even
more laziness, not less. I read his email as keeping the dream alive.
(Others may differ.)
GC gives the illusion of infinite RAM.
What would the illusion of infinite IO be like?
So to recap: if you run into issues with Lazy I/O, the fixes include:
* Replace lazy with strict I/O. Make sure you have enough RAM,
especially if you still use String, as opposed to ByteString.
* Use strict I/O but leave off readFile. Chunk explicitly. Code imperatively.
* Use iteratees
* Use unsafeInterleaveIO. Watch the envelope bend.
[1] http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2013-March/107027.html
-- Kim-Ee
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