[Haskell-beginners] pattern matching on function names or algebraic type data constructors

TP paratribulations at free.fr
Sun Jun 23 11:34:41 CEST 2013


I ask myself if there is a way to make the following code work.
I would like to pattern match on function names:

f :: Float -> Int
f x = 1

g :: Float -> Int
g x = 2

pat :: (Float -> Int) -> Bool
pat t = case t of
        f -> True
        g -> False

main = do

print $ pat f
print $ pat g

I don't understand the output:

$ runghc test_pattern_match_on_function_2.hs 

test_pattern_match_on_function_2.hs:8:9: Warning:
    Pattern match(es) are overlapped
    In a case alternative: g -> ...

What is the reason for this message?

Now, I want to do it on data constructors in a GADT (which are functions if 
I am right):

data Foobar where
    Mult :: Float -> Foobar
    Plus :: Float -> Foobar

pat :: (Float -> Foobar) -> Bool
pat t = case t of
        Mult -> True
        Plus -> False

main = do

print $ pat Mult
print $ pat Plus

I obtain:

$ runghc test_pattern_match_on_function.hs 

    Constructor `Mult' should have 1 argument, but has been given none
    In the pattern: Mult
    In a case alternative: Mult -> True
    In the expression:
      case t of {
        Mult -> True
        Plus -> False }

    Couldn't match expected type `Float -> Foobar'
                with actual type `Foobar'
    In the pattern: Mult
    In a case alternative: Mult -> True
    In the expression:
      case t of {
        Mult -> True
        Plus -> False }

Why does it not work? If Mult and Plus are functions, then I should not need 
to put their arguments in pattern matching.

Thanks in advance,


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