[Haskell-beginners] iterateM

Adrian May adrian.alexander.may at gmail.com
Sun Jun 16 10:00:24 CEST 2013

Hi All,

I just wrote a function to repeatedly transform something inside a monad
using the same transforming function every time. I feel it might be dodgy

iterateM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m a) -> m a -> m [a]
iterateM f sm =
  sm >>= \s ->
  iterateM f (f s) >>= \ss ->
  return (s:ss)

The context is that I was trying to write a state machine that responded to
keyboard input:

data Event = LoYes | LoNo | LoNum -- buttons on your phone
           | ReYes | ReNo | ReNum -- buttons on his phone

data State = State { handler :: Event -> IO State }

main =
  hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering >> -- so you don't have to hit return
  iterateM (\st -> getEvent >>= handler st) (return idle)

getEvent :: IO Event
getEvent =
  getChar >>= \c -> case c of
  'y' -> return LoYes
  'n' -> return LoNo
  '0' -> return LoNum
  'Y' -> return ReYes
  'N' -> return ReNo
  '1' -> return ReNum
  _   -> getEvent

idle, ringing, waiting, talking :: State
idle = State $ \e -> case e of
  LoYes -> return idle
  LoNo  -> return idle
  LoNum -> putStrLn "\tCalling somebody" >>
           return waiting
  ReYes -> return idle
  ReNo  -> return idle
  ReNum -> putStrLn "\tIt's for you-hoo" >>
           return ringing

-- other states similar

The reason I'm worried is that this is the second time I've needed such a
thing and it seems odd that it's not in the prelude already. Does it leak
memory? Does it have a tail recursion problem? Is the functionality I want
covered by something else? I guess I could consider [a] to be b in a
regular monad but then the (\st -> getEvent >>= handler st) bit would have
to juggle lists which seems meaningless.

Am I missing something or does everybody else have this iterateM in their
personal prelude?

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