[Haskell-beginners] can't install hackage package

Emmanuel Touzery etouzery at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 21:59:25 CET 2013

i have now installed pcre-light separately, it still doesn't work.
i think the problem is that it claims that ghc is an unknown package. that
was working on other computers. maybe there's something note quite right
about the way it's all configured on the (just released) fedora18 haskell
platform setup?

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 9:50 PM, Emmanuel Touzery <etouzery at gmail.com>wrote:

> it's ghc 7.4.1 that came with fedora.
> yes i wiped ~/.ghc and ~/.cabal and it's still the same problem.
> i didn't know those cabal flags.
> i see some infos in the log, maybe i can even figure it by myself now:
> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22600720/rex-fail.txt
> On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 9:44 PM, Andres Löh <andres.loeh at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> >  I've been using this hackage package "rex" without problems on two
>> > computers (linux, windows) but now I fail setting it up on a third
>> computer
>> > which confuses me, and the error message is not really enlightening for
>> me:
>> >
>> > $ cabal update
>> > Downloading the latest package list from hackage.haskell.org
>> > $ cabal --version
>> > cabal-install version
>> > using version of the Cabal library
>> >  $ cabal install rex
>> > Resolving dependencies...
>> > cabal: Could not resolve dependencies:
>> > trying: rex-0.3.1
>> That's a bad error message indeed ;)
>> What's your GHC version? Is this an otherwise clean package database?
>> Can you post the output of "cabal install rex --dry-run -v3"? If the
>> log is too long to attach to a mailing list mail, just mail it to me
>> personally.
>> Cheers,
>>   Andres
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