[Haskell-beginners] Functional analysis and design

Martin Drautzburg Martin.Drautzburg at web.de
Sun Jan 6 12:17:44 CET 2013

On Sunday, 6. January 2013 08:13:14 Rustom Mody wrote:

> A favourite example of mine:
> Today J S Bach is regarded as the pinnacle of western classical music.
> When he was a young man he spent much of his time just copying out 'the
> masters'

Perfect analogy! You see, with music there is a set of rules which can be 
learned, because they are written down. But mastering these does not make you 
a good composer. When given the task "write a tooth-paste jingle" you would 
still not know where to start. But when you talk to a jingle writer, he could 
probably tell you his train of thoughts and you would be able to learn from 

Incidently I am interested in writing music too and I ran into the exact same 
problem as with haskell. Try to find information about how to write 3-4voice 
vocals, so it sounds like the Beach Boys, the BGs or Abba. Even though this 
wisdom is known to someone, it is impossible to find something which resembles 
a tutorial. Either this wisdom cannot be written down at all, or the masters 
prefer to keep their wisdom concealed.

Copying the masters will certainly help, but it is a long and time-consuming 
process. I was hoping for ways to shorten it.

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