[Haskell-beginners] First code review
Emanuel Koczwara
poczta at emanuelkoczwara.pl
Sat Feb 23 16:39:53 CET 2013
Note: Following code is a solution for a problem from hackerrank.com
(Category: Artifical Intelligence / Single Player Games / Bot saves
Here is my first Haskell code! Short explanation of the problem: it's
standard path finding problem, we have a matrix where 'm' denotes the
bot, 'p' denotes the princess and '-' is for empty space.
Sample input (grid size followed by the grid itself, where each row is
separated by new line):
Sample output:
Here is the code:
module Main where
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
type Size = Int
type Grid = [String]
type Path = [Move]
type Heuristic = [[Int]]
type Position = (Int,Int)
data Move = LEFT | RIGHT | UP | DOWN deriving Show
getSize :: IO Size
getSize = readLn
getGrid :: Size -> IO Grid
getGrid s = sequence $ replicate s getLine
getHeuristic :: Size -> Position -> Heuristic
getHeuristic s p = map (getHeuristic' s p) [0..s-1]
getHeuristic' :: Size -> Position -> Int -> [Int]
getHeuristic' s p y = map (getHeuristic'' p y) [0..s-1]
getHeuristic'' :: Position -> Int -> Int -> Int
getHeuristic'' (x2, y2) y1 x1 = abs (x1 - x2) + (abs (y1 - y2))
getPos :: Char -> Size -> Grid -> Position
getPos c s g = (i `mod` s, i `div` s)
where g' = concat g
i = fromJust $ elemIndex c g'
getSteps :: Size -> Heuristic -> Position -> Position -> Path
getSteps s h b p | b == p = []
| otherwise = let (m,b') = getStep s h b
in m : (getSteps s h b' p)
getStep :: Size -> Heuristic -> Position -> (Move,Position)
getStep s h b = head $ sortBy compareCost (getAvailableSteps s h b)
where compareCost (_,(x1,y1)) (_,(x2,y2)) =
compare (h !! y1 !! x1) (h !! y2 !! x2)
getAvailableSteps :: Size -> Heuristic -> Position -> [(Move,Position)]
getAvailableSteps s h (x,y) = up ++ down ++ left ++ right
where up = if y > 0 then [(UP, (x, y - 1))] else []
down = if y < (s - 1) then [(DOWN, (x, y + 1))] else []
left = if x > 0 then [(LEFT, (x - 1, y))] else []
right = if x < (s - 1) then [(RIGHT, (x + 1, y))] else []
main :: IO ()
main = do
size <- getSize
grid <- getGrid size
let botPos = getPos 'm' size grid
princessPos = getPos 'p' size grid
heuristic = getHeuristic size princessPos
result = getSteps size heuristic botPos princessPos
mapM_ print result
Please point out all my mistakes.
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