[Haskell-beginners] Type of a Group.
Rustom Mody
rustompmody at gmail.com
Sat Feb 9 17:59:37 CET 2013
On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 6:35 PM, Robert Goss <goss.robert at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Looking to learn a little haskell I tried to program up a little group
> theory but feel I am stuck on what the types should be. At first it seemed
> obvious (and the algebra package does this) that the type of a group should
> be given by:
> class Group g where
> mul :: g -> g -> g
> inv :: g -> g
> unit :: g
> My problem is this seems to assume that the type of group you are in is
> encoded by the type system.
> I first ran into problems with this when I wanted to define a cyclic
> group. The only way I could define the type was either to define each
> cyclic group separately so have C2, C3, C4, ... or parametrise it over the
> class Nat. So a cyclic group would have the type Cyclic (Succ(Succ( ...
> Succ(Zero)) ... )) which would consistently define all cyclic groups but is
> hardly any better. For example a computation mod a large prime p is not
> going to be pleasant.
> I came up with a partial solution by realising that a group is defined as
> a set X and some operations on it to get
> class Group g x where
> mul :: g -> x -> x -> x
> inv :: g-> x -> x
> unit :: g -> x
> Making it easy to define cyclic groups and all my old groups carry over.
> But now to evaluate an expression I need to hang onto the group i am in and
> pass it around. As i am newish to haskell I wanted to know if I have missed
> a simpler more obvious way of doing things?
> All the best,
> Robert Goss
Taking your first approach I could do this much:
class Group g where
mul :: g -> g -> g
inv :: g -> g
unit :: g
class Group g => CycGroup g where
gen :: g
class CycGroup g => FiniteCycGroup g where
baseSet :: [g]
-- I would have preferred to have order :: Int, to baseSet
-- but ghc does not like that for some reason
data G2 = A|B
instance Group G2 where
unit = A
inv A = A
inv B = B
mul A A = A
mul A B = B
mul B A = B
mul B B = A
instance CycGroup G2 where
gen = B
instance FiniteCycGroup G2 where
baseSet = [A, B]
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