[Haskell-beginners] Cabal build dependency using a git repo

Peter Jones mlists at pmade.com
Tue Dec 10 15:44:19 UTC 2013

Michael Baker <michaeltbaker at gmail.com> writes:
> On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 3:45 PM, Peter Jones <mlists at pmade.com> wrote:
>> Michael Baker <michaeltbaker at gmail.com> writes:
>> > I have a library which isn't on Hackage that I would like to use as a
> build
>> > dependency in another project. In Rubygems you can provide a git
> repository
>> > in the absence of an actual Rubygems repository.
>> Use a git submodule (or place the source code to the package anywhere on
>> your file system) then use `cabal sandbox add-source <path>`.  Provided
>> of course that you're using cabal sandboxes.
> What is commonly done if you aren't using sandboxes? I would rather
> not use them in an effort to make installing this project easier on my
> users, because the current Haskell Platform doesn't have sandboxes
> yet.

I believe it's possible to run your own installation of the Hackage
server or at least host packages on a web server under a specific
directory structure.  You can then configure cabal to fetch packages
from your private Hackage mirror.  Then you just host your private
packages and any necessary public packages.  More details:


Peter Jones, Founder, Devalot.com
Defending the honor of good code

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