[Haskell-beginners] fonction in a typeclass that does not mention the type variable

TP paratribulations at free.fr
Wed Aug 21 21:43:33 CEST 2013

Peter Jones wrote:

> Actually, the problem is with your `symbolToConstructor' function.  It
> needs to look like this:
> symbolToConstructor :: (Foo a) => String -> a
> Then symbolToInfixLevel can be:
> symbolToInfixLevel :: String -> Int

Sorry, I have not been able to write an example with your proposition. Might 
you give more informations?

In the meantime, I have been able to write a working example proposing two 

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

data Exp = Plus Exp Exp | Minus Exp Exp | Atom String
    deriving Show

class Foo a where

    symbolToConstructor :: String -> ( a -> a -> a )
    infixLevel :: a -> Int

    -- The second argument is only used to indicate the type of the
    -- intermediary result (i.e. the type of the result of
    -- symbolToConstructor).
    symbolToInfixLevel :: String -> a -> Int
    symbolToInfixLevel s u =
        infixLevel $ (((symbolToConstructor s) undefined undefined)::a)

instance Foo Exp where

    symbolToConstructor e = case e of
                "+" -> Plus
                "-" -> Minus
    infixLevel e = case e of
        Plus _ _ -> 6
        Minus _ _ -> 7

main = do

-- First variant
print $ infixLevel $ (((symbolToConstructor "+") undefined undefined)::Exp)
print $ infixLevel $ (((symbolToConstructor "-") undefined undefined)::Exp)
-- Second variant
print $ symbolToInfixLevel "+" (undefined::Exp)
print $ symbolToInfixLevel "-" (undefined::Exp)

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