[Haskell-beginners] What is the functional way of implementing a function that takes a long time to execute?

Bryce Verdier bryceverdier at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 18:28:35 CEST 2013

Thank you Ertugrul for this awesome explanation.

It's emails like that are the reason why I love this list.


On 04/23/2013 06:28 AM, Ertugrul Söylemez wrote:
> "Costello, Roger L." <costello at mitre.org> wrote:
>> Suppose a function takes a long time to do its work.
>> Perhaps it takes minutes or even hours to complete.
>> While it is crunching along, it would be nice to have some insight
>> into its status such as (1) how close is it to completing? (2) what
>> part of the task is it currently working on?
>> It might even be nice to be notified when it is finished.
>> What is the functional way of implementing the function?
> The traditional way in Haskell to see intermediate results is not to
> produce the final result only, but to produce a list of intermediate
> results, the last of which is the final result.  The trick is to apply
> what we call corecursion, which basically means:  Wrap the recursion in
> an (ideally nonstrict) data constructor cell.  The function
>      sqrtApprox :: Rational -> Rational
> then becomes:
>      sqrtApprox :: Rational -> [Rational]
> You know that you have done it properly if you used proper corecursion,
> which looks similar to this:
>      loop x y = (x, y) : loop x' y'
>          where
>          x' = {- ... -}
>          y' = {- ... -}
> The important part is that the recursion is the right argument of the
> constructor (:) and that the constructor application is the last thing
> that happens.  You can make sure that you have done it properly and even
> get some nice deforestation optimizations by using one of the predefined
> corecursion operators like 'unfoldr', 'iterate', etc.
> Sometimes you'll want to encode an algorithm even as a composition of
> predefined corecursive formulas like 'map', 'filter', 'tails', etc.  For
> example you may have a list [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] to begin with and you
> want to encode the sum of the products of three consecutive values,
> 1*2*3 + 4*5*6 + 7*8*9 + 10:
>      takeWhile (not . null) . map (take 3) . iterate (drop 3)
> Now how do we produce online statistics while this algorithm calculates
> its result?  This is the easiest part, but there is a catch.  You have a
> corecursively produced list, which ensures that the list is lazy enough.
> All you have to do now is to consume the list as part of an IO action.
> The foldM combinator is most helpful here:
>      sumStats :: (Num a) => [a] -> IO a
>      sumStats = foldM f 0
>          where
>          f s x = do
>              putStrLn ("Sum so far: " ++ s)
>              return (s + x)
> As said there is a catch.  In your recursive consumer you actually have
> to make sure that the intermediate result is actually calculated.  This
> is important, because otherwise your consumer doesn't actually force the
> calculation, but really just builds up a large unevaluated expression,
> which is only evaluated at the very end.
> The easiest way to ensure this is to just do what I did in sumStats:
> Print the intermediate result (you may call it 'state') or some value
> derived from it (make sure that the value depends on the entire state).
> If you don't want to perform some IO action with the state you can also
> just be strict.  There are many ways to be strict, my favorite being
>      f s x = do
>          {- ... -}
>          return $! s + x
> but you can also use the BangPatterns extension.
> The basic idea of all this is that you turn an opaque monolithic formula
> into a stream processing formula.  This not only makes it more flexible,
> but may also help you understand the original problem better and split
> it into independent modules.  Remember that you can always compose
> stream processors using regular function composition as done above.
> Once you are comfortable with using lists for stream processing you can
> also use an actual stream processing abstraction.  My personal favorite
> right now is the 'pipes' library, but there are other useful libraries
> including the other modern library 'conduit' as well as the traditional
> 'enumerator' library.
> This of course does not end with streams.  Streams are for algorithms
> with a linear execution paths, but not every algorithm follows that.  If
> your formula naturally follows multiple paths, there is nothing wrong
> with corecursively producing and recursively consuming trees or graphs,
> for example.  You just need unfoldTree+foldTreeM or
> unfoldGraph+foldGraphM for that.  This works with every algebraic data
> structure.
> As a final remark, don't worry about the performance.  Haskell is a lazy
> language.  Done properly at least the intermediate lists will be
> optimized away by the compiler and the resulting machine code is close
> to what a C compiler would have produced for the original monolithic
> formula randomly interspersed with statistics printing commands.
> Greets
> Ertugrul
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