[Haskell-beginners] Algorithmic Advances by Discovering Patterns in Functions

Kim-Ee Yeoh ky3 at atamo.com
Tue Sep 18 10:56:12 CEST 2012


>  Scientists look for recurring patterns in nature. Once a pattern is
discovered, its essential ingredients are identified and formalized into a
law or mathematical equation.

You could think of lambda calculus as a general language for formalizing
and applying patterns. Squint enough and pinning down a pattern starts to
look like lambda abstraction; using the pattern, function application.

> Here is some intuition on why it is called the fold function: Imagine
folding a towel.

Generally we don't look for insight in the layperson meaning of technical
terminology. Sure, folding a list is intuitively like folding a long strip
of paper. But folds also apply to trees and even gnarlier datatypes, and
there intuition loses steam.

Sometimes it's better to internally alpha-rename to a fresh variable to
avoid being misled. The meaning lies in the *usage* of the term, so in a
way it's not really in English after all.

> We saw that the fold function can be defined for the Nat data type. In
fact, a suitable fold function can be defined for every recursive data type.

How would you define a fold for

data S a = S (a -> Bool)


-- Kim-Ee

On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 3:36 PM, Costello, Roger L. <costello at mitre.org>

> Hi Folks,
> This is a story about discovery. It is a story about advancing the
> state-of-the-art by discovering patterns in functions.
> Scientists look for recurring patterns in nature. Once a pattern is
> discovered, its essential ingredients are identified and formalized into a
> law or mathematical equation. Discovery of a pattern is important and those
> individuals who make such discoveries are rightfully acknowledged in our
> annals of science.
> Scientists are not the only ones who look for recurring patterns, so do
> functional programmers. Once a pattern is discovered, its essential
> ingredients are identified and formalized into a function. That function
> may then become widely adopted by the programming community, thus elevating
> the programming community to a new level of capability.
> The following is a fantastic example of discovering a pattern in multiple
> functions, discerning the essential ingredients of the pattern, and
> replacing the multiple functions with a single superior function. The
> example is from Richard Bird's book, Introduction to Functional Programming
> using Haskell.
> Before looking at the example let's introduce an important concept in
> functional programming: partial function application.
> A function that takes two arguments may be rewritten as a function that
> takes one argument and returns a function. The function returned also takes
> one argument. For example, consider the min function which returns the
> minimum of two integers:
> min 2 3         -- returns 2
> Notice that min is a function that takes two arguments.
> Suppose min is given only one argument:
> min 2
> [Definition: When fewer arguments are given to a function than it can
> accept it is called partial application of the function.  That is, the
> function is partially applied.]
> min 2 is a function. It takes one argument. It returns the minimum of the
> argument and 2. For example:
> (min 2) 3       -- returns 2
> To see this more starkly, let's assign g to be the function min 2:
> let g = min 2
> g is now a function that takes one argument and returns the minimum of the
> argument and 2:
> g 3     -- returns 2
> Let's take a second example: the addition operator (+) is a function and
> it takes two arguments. For example:
> 2 + 3   -- returns 5
> To make it more obvious that (+) is a function, here is the same example
> in prefix notation:
> (+) 2 3 -- returns 5
> Suppose we provide (+) only one argument:
> (+) 2
> That is a partial application of the (+) function.
> (+) 2 is a function. It takes one argument. It returns the sum of the
> argument and 2. For example:
> ((+) 2) 3       -- returns 5
> We can succinctly express (+) 2 as:
> (+2)
> Thus,
> (+2) 3          -- returns 5
> Okay, now we are ready to embark on our journey of discovery. We will
> examine three functions and find their common pattern.
> The functions process values from this recursive data type:
> data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
> Here are some examples of Nat values:
> Zero, Succ Zero, Succ (Succ Zero), Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)), ...
> The following functions perform addition, multiplication, and
> exponentiation on Nat values. Examine the three functions. Can you discern
> a pattern?
> -- Addition of Nat values:
> m + Zero = m
> m + Succ n = Succ(m + n)
> -- Multiplication of Nat values:
> m * Zero = Zero
> m * Succ n = (m * n) + m
> -- Exponentiation of Nat values:
> m ** Zero = Succ Zero
> m ** Succ n = (m ** n) * m
> For each function the right-hand operand is either Zero or Succ n:
> (+m) Zero
> (+m) Succ n
> (*m) Zero
> (*m) Succ n
> (**m) Zero
> (**m) Succ n
> So abstractly there is a function f that takes as argument either Zero or
> Succ n:
> f Zero
> f Succ n
> Given Zero as the argument, each function immediately returns a value:
> (+m)  Zero      = m
> (*m)  Zero      = Zero
> (**m) Zero      = Succ Zero
> Let c denote the value.
> So, invoke f with a value for c and Zero:
> f c Zero = c
> For addition provide m as the value for c:
> m + Zero = f m Zero
> For multiplication provide Zero as the value for c:
> m * Zero = f Zero Zero
> For exponentiation provide (Succ Zero) as the value for c:
> m ** Zero = f (Succ Zero) Zero
> Next, consider how each of the functions (addition, multiplication,
> exponentiation) deals with Succ n.
> Given the argument Succ n,  each function processes n and then applies a
> function to the result:
> (+m)  Succ n    = (Succ)((+m) n)
> (*m)  Succ n    = ((*m) n) (+m)
> (**m) Succ n    = ((**m) n) (*m)
> Let h denote the function that is applied to the result.
> So, Succ n is processed by invoking f with a value for h and Succ n:
> f h (Succ n) = h (f n)
> For multiplication provide (+m) as the value for h:
> m * Succ n = f (+m) (Succ n)
> Recall that (+m) is a function: it takes one argument and returns the sum
> of the argument and m.
> Thus one of the arguments of function f is a function.
> f is said to be a higher order function.
> [Definition: A higher order function is a function that takes an argument
> that is a function or it returns a function.]
> Continuing on with the other values for h:
> For addition provide (Succ) as the value for h:
> m + Succ n = f (Succ) (Succ n)
> For exponentiation provide (*m) as the value for h:
> m ** Zero = f (*m) (Succ n)
> Recap: to process Nat values use these equations:
> f c Zero = c
> f h (Succ n) = h (f n)
> Actually we need to supply f with h, c, and the Nat value:
> f h c Zero = c
> f h c (Succ n) = h (f h c n)
> f has this type signature: its arguments are a function, a value, and a
> Nat value; the result is a value. So this is f's type signature:
> f :: function -> value -> Nat -> value
> That type signature is well-known in functional programming. It is the
> signature of a fold function. Here is some intuition on why it is called
> the fold function:
> Imagine folding a towel. You make your first fold. The second fold builds
> on top of the first fold. Each fold builds on top of the previous folds.
> That is analogous to what the function f does. "You make your first fold"
> is analogous to immediately returning c:
> f h c Zero = c
> "Each fold builds on top of the previous folds" is analogous to processing
> Succ n by applying h to the result of processing the n'th Nat value:
> f h c (Succ n) = h (f h c n)
> Recap: In analyzing the functions (addition, multiplication,
> exponentiation) on Nat we have discovered that they are all doing a fold
> operation.
> That is a remarkable discovery.
> Let's now see how to perform addition, multiplication, and exponentiation
> using f. However, since we now recognize that f is actually the fold
> function, let's rename it foldn (fold Nat). Here is its type signature and
> function definition:
> foldn                   :: (a -> a) -> a -> Nat -> a
> foldn h c Zero          =  c
> foldn h c (Succ n)      =  h (foldn h c n)
> The functions are implemented as:
> m + n                   = foldn Succ m n
> m * n                   = foldn (+m) Zero n
> m ** n                  = foldn (*m) (Succ Zero) n
> Let's take an example and trace its execution:
> Zero + Succ Zero
>         = foldn Succ Zero (Succ Zero)
>         = Succ (foldn Succ Zero Zero)
>         = Succ (Zero)
> The holy trinity of functional programming is:
> 1.  User-defined recursive data types.
> 2.  Recursively defined functions over recursive data types.
> 3.  Proof by induction: show that some property P(n) holds for each
> element of a recursive data type.
> Nat is a user-defined recursive data type. The addition, multiplication,
> and exponentiation functions are recursively defined functions over Nat.
> We saw that the fold function can be defined for the Nat data type. In
> fact, a suitable fold function can be defined for every recursive data type.
> Wow!
> There are two advantages of writing recursive definitions in terms of fold:
> 1.  The definitions are shorted; rather than having to write down two
> equations, we have only to write down one.
> 2.  It is possible to prove general properties of fold and use them to
> prove properties of specific instantiations. In other words, rather than
> having to write down many inductive proofs, we have only to write down one.
> Recap: we have approached programming like a scientist; namely, we have
> examined a set of algorithms (the addition, multiplication, and
> exponentiation functions), discovered that they have a recurring pattern,
> and then evolved the algorithms to a higher order algorithm. That is
> advancing the field. Incremental advancements such as this is what takes
> Computer Science to new heights.
> /Roger
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