[Haskell-beginners] Reactive Banana Data Structures Sanity Check

Michael Litchard michael at schmong.org
Tue Sep 11 20:38:17 CEST 2012

I'm making an implementation of Grand Theft Wumpus using
reactive-banana. I'm using the slot machine example to work from.

For now, I'm just building a simple graph where a Player can move from
Node to Node. I'm not sure I have the Data Structures right, so I
wanted to run it by the community. I'm conceptualizing each Node (a
Street) and the Player as a Behavior.  I reason that since the Graph
won't change, just the values inside a Node, I can update any Node as
needed, instead of creating a new Graph whenever a value in a Node
changes. It seems though, as I scale up, I'd end up with a big union
of Behaviors.  Does it make sense to describe each Node as a Behavior?
Even though I'm starting simply, I intend to write a complete


data StreetName = Baker
                | Main
                | Atlantic
                | Baltic
                | Connecticut
                     deriving (Enum,Bounded,Show)

type Player t = Behavior t Player_
type Street t = Behavior t Street_

data Player_ = Player {location :: StreetName } deriving Show
data Street_ = Street_ {sName :: StreetName
                       ,player :: Maybe Player_
                       } deriving Show

data GameEvent = MovePlayer Street
               | Look

does that look okay so far?

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