[Haskell-beginners] cascade of if statements

Daniel Trstenjak daniel.trstenjak at gmail.com
Wed Oct 31 18:14:52 CET 2012

Hi Emmanuel,

you could write monadic boolean operators (<&&>, <||>) and a "monadic"
when (whenM) - I think both are in some package - to be able to write somwthing like:

whenM (not <$> doesFileExist file <||> olderThan twoHours file) $ do

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))

(<&&>) :: Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool
(<&&>) m1 m2 = do
   r1 <- m1
   if r1 then m2 else return False

(<||>) :: Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool
(<||>) m1 m2 = do
   r1 <- m1
   if r1 then return True else m2

whenM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m ()
whenM p m = do
   r <- p
   if r then m else return ()

olderThan :: Int -> FilePath -> IO Bool
olderThan secs file = do
   modif   <- getModificationTime file
   curTime <- getClockTime
   let diff = diffClockTimes curTime modif
   return $ tdSec diff >= secs

twoHours = 3600 * 2

'not <$> doesFileExist file' is a shorcut for:
r <- doesFileExist file
return $ not r

But all of this would mostly only really pay off, if you have some file
operations heavy code. Otherwise, all of these helper functions (operators) are quite generic.

Obviously, I'm currently a bit bored ...


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