[Haskell-beginners] How to solve this using State Monad?

Henry Lockyer henry.lockyer at ntlworld.com
Wed May 30 16:31:40 CEST 2012

Hi kak,

On 28 May 2012, at 19:49, kak dod wrote:

> Hello,
> A very good morning to all.
> I am a Haskell beginner. And although I have written fairly complicated programs and have understood to some extent the concepts like pattern matching, folds, scans, list comprehensions, but I have not satisfactorily understood the concept of Monads yet. I have partially understood and used the Writer, List and Maybe monads but the State monad completely baffles me.
> I wanted to write a  program for the following problem: A DFA simulator. This I guess is a right candidate for State monad as it mainly deals with state changes.
> What the program is supposed to do is:

> . . . 

> I wrote a recursive program to do this without using any monads. I simply send the entire dfa, the input string and its partial result in the recursive calls.
> How to do this using State Monad?
> . . .
> Please note that I wish your solution to use the Control.Monad.State. 

I coincidentally included something like this in another post I recently made. 
I have quickly tweaked my example slightly and added a complete alternative example using the State monad below.
Both programs now have the same external behaviour.
It is a simpler example than the DFA that you are proposing. If I have time I'll look at your specific version of 
the problem, but I am assuming that your main aim here is to understand the State monad better - rather than the DFA 
exactly as you have specified it -  so perhaps the following simple examples may help a little:

-- "aha!" 
-- An exciting game that requires the string "aha!" to
-- be entered in order to reach the exit, rewarded with a "*".
-- A simple state machine.
-- Version 1 - not using the State monad...

import System.IO

type MyState = Char

initstate, exitstate :: MyState
initstate = 'a'
exitstate = 'z'

main = do hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering -- (just so it responds char by char on the terminal)
          stateIO initstate
stateIO :: MyState -> IO ()
stateIO s = do c_in <- getChar
               let (c_out, s') = stateMC c_in s
               putStrLn $ ' ':c_out:[]  -- (newline flushes the output)
               stateIO s' 

stateMC :: Char -> MyState -> (Char, MyState)
stateMC 'a' 'a' = ('Y', 'b')   -- 'Y' for 'Yes'
stateMC 'h' 'b' = ('Y', 'c')
stateMC 'a' 'c' = ('Y', 'd')
stateMC '!' 'd' = ('*', 'z')  -- '*' for 'Congratulations'
stateMC  _  'z' = (' ', 'z')  -- Blank responses once game over
stateMC  _   _  = ('N', 'a')  -- 'N' for 'No'


-- Version 2 - using the State monad...
-- This time it treats the input as one long lazy String of chars 
-- rather than char-by-char reading as in version 1

import System.IO
import Control.Monad.State

type MyState = Char

initstate, exitstate :: MyState
initstate = 'a'
exitstate = 'z'
main = do hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering 
          interact mystatemachine  

mystatemachine :: String -> String
mystatemachine str = concat $ evalState ( mapM charfunc str ) initstate

charfunc :: Char -> State MyState String
charfunc c = state $ stateMC' c     -- wrap the stateMC' func in the state monad

-- compared to the stateMC function in version 1 the only difference here in
-- stateMC' is that this is also formatting the output as a string with newline, 
-- which was done separately in 'stateIO' in version 1

stateMC' :: Char -> MyState -> (String, MyState)
stateMC' 'a' 'a' = (" Y\n", 'b')
stateMC' 'h' 'b' = (" Y\n", 'c')
stateMC' 'a' 'c' = (" Y\n", 'd')
stateMC' '!' 'd' = (" *\n", 'z')
stateMC'  _  'z' = ("  \n", 'z')
stateMC'  _   _  = (" N\n", 'a')


Advantages of using the State monad are not really obvious in this example, but perhaps it will help in clarifying
what it is doing.  It is just wrapping the stateMC' function in a monadic wrapper so that you can make convenient use of the
monadic operations >>= etc. and associated functions like mapM etc. for sequencing state computations.
'evalState' takes the chained sequence of state computations, produced by mapM in this case, feeds the initial value into the
beginning of the chain, takes the output from the end (which is a pair ([String], MyState) in this case) throws away the final MyState as we are
not interested in it here and keeps the [String]  (which is then flattened to a single string with concat).  
+Thanks to the wonders of laziness it works on it char by char as we go along :-)

In less trivial cases it helps keep the clutter of the common state handling away from the specifics of what you 
are doing, like in the Real World Haskell parser example where it nicely handles the parse state. 
But I guess you are not asking about advantages/disadvantages, but how the hell it works ;-)
I have found it confusing too...

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