[Haskell-beginners] Here's why functions should return functions

Thiago Negri evohunz at gmail.com
Sun Jul 29 15:45:22 CEST 2012

@Ertugrul, you don't need to be rude.


I like your idea. But I don't see an advantage to using "Function 4"
over simply "4":

What's the advantage of using this:
    (value . square . sucessor . lift) 4
    data Lift a = Function a
    lift = Function
    sucesor (Function a) = lift (a + 1)
    square (Function a) = lift (a * a)
    value (Function a) = a

Over this:
    (square . sucessor) 4
    sucessor = (+1)
    square a = a * a

For me, it looks like we are wrapping a value inside a container and
dewrapping it every time we want to use it's value, then rewrap to

Could you elaborate an example that your Lift a datatype is better
suited than just the raw value?

I can only see the use of a value lifted as a function when you want
to get the same result no matter what are the chain of functions, for
example, the use of the const function:

    const 4 . square . sucessor $ 4


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