[Haskell-beginners] Trouble compiling haskell platfrom

Jeff Lasslett jeff.lasslett at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 06:01:12 CEST 2012

Thanks.  That did the trick.

On 12 July 2012 06:48,  <gdweber at iue.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 2012-Jul-11, Jeff Lasslett wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I'm trying to recompile & reinstall the haskell platform  I
>> have installed it successfully on a prior occasion  but I decided to
>> reinstall as I think I may have messed up my installed packages a bit
>> while playing around with yesod.   I intend to use cabal-dev or
>> virtualenv for that in future.
>> So I thought I'd do a clean install.  I blew away my haskell platform
>> and ghc, both of which were installed in a dir under my home dir.  I
>> also blew away my ~/.cabal/ dir.
>> I then reinstalled by ghc 7.4.1 into ~/prg/haskell-platform-
>> I then unpacked the sources of haskell-platform- and
>> configured it with the prefix set to where ghc is.
>> configure finished without error so I ran 'make'.  It quits with what
>> follows.  How do I fix this??
>> With thanks,
>> Jeff
>> * Now do "make" followed by "make install"
>> **************************************************
>> jeff at chunks:~/src/haskell-platform-2012.2.0.0$ make
>> scripts/build.sh
>> **************************************************
>> Scanning system for any installed Haskell Platform components...
>> Found: HUnit- OpenGL- GLUT- html-
>> parallel- random- QuickCheck-2.4.2 stm-2.3 syb-
>> haskell-src- text- transformers- mtl-2.1.1
>> fgl- parsec-3.1.2 network- HTTP-4000.2.3
>> regex-base-0.93.2 regex-posix-0.95.1 regex-compat-0.95.1
>> xhtml-3000.2.1 cgi-3001.1.7.4 zlib- haskell-platform-2012.2.0.0
>> New packages to install: None! All done.
>> **************************************************
>> Building alex-3.0.1
>> "/home/jeff/prg/haskell-platform-" "--make" "Setup"
>> "-o" "Setup" "-package" "Cabal-1.14.0"
>> Linking Setup ...
>> "./Setup" "configure"
>> "--package-db=../../packages/package.conf.inplace"
>> "--prefix=/home/jeff/prg/haskell-platform-"
>> "--with-compiler=/home/jeff/prg/haskell-platform-"
>> "--with-hc-pkg=/home/jeff/prg/haskell-platform-"
>> "--with-hsc2hs=/home/jeff/prg/haskell-platform-"
>> "--enable-library-profiling"
>> "--ghc-pkg-option=--package-conf=../../packages/package.conf.inplace"
>> "--user"
>> Warning: defaultUserHooks in Setup script is deprecated.
>> Configuring alex-3.0.1...
>> "./Setup" "build"
>> Building alex-3.0.1...
>> Preprocessing executable 'alex' for alex-3.0.1...
>> src/Data/Ranged/RangedSet.hs:64:8:
>>     Could not find module `Test.QuickCheck'
>>     There are files missing in the `QuickCheck-2.4.2' package,
>>     try running 'ghc-pkg check'.
>>     Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
> I would suggest start by doing what it says just above:
> run `ghc-pkg check`.
> This will give you a list of broken packages.
> For each such package `P`, run `ghc-pkg unregister P`.
> Then you can try installing Haskell Platform again,
> starting with the configure step.
> For a detailed explanation of what's going on here,
> see Albert Lai's "Storage and Identification of Cabalized Packages":
>     http://www.vex.net/~trebla/haskell/sicp.xhtml
>> Error:
>> Building the alex-3.0.1 package failed
>> make: *** [build.stamp] Error 2
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> --
> Gregory D. Weber, Ph. D.                            :
> Associate Professor of Informatics                 / \
> Indiana University East                           0   :
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