[Haskell-beginners] deep seq and bang patterns

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at googlemail.com
Tue Dec 25 15:39:04 CET 2012

On Dienstag, 25. Dezember 2012, 13:20:54, Emmanuel Touzery wrote:
> to be clear: I definitely have strict evaluation now. It works. And it
> helped me to fix my bug (it's fixed now).
> But I think that to actually get strict evaluation I needed BOTH bang
> patterns AND deep seq, at that same time... Which seems strange to me, I
> would think that either would suffice.

You need a bit less than what you (seem to) have.

First, though,

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

data TvShow = TvShow
        channel :: Channel,
        title :: !T.Text,
        startTime :: !T.Text,
        summary :: !T.Text
    deriving (Eq, Show)

the `!'s here are not bang patterns, they are strictness annotations on 
fields, and supported without extensions (Haskell2010, Haskell98, and 
presumably also earlier versions).

Defining TvShow with strict fields for title, startTime and summary makes sure 
these fields are evaluated (to WHNF, but in case of `Data.Text`, that means 
fully evaluated) **when the TvShow value is evaluated to WHNF**.

But when the value isn't evaluated, as in

do ...
    let result = someFunction some arguments
    return result

result remains a thunk, and thus its fields are not evaluated, even if marked 

A simple

    return $! result

to force evaluation of result to WHNF suffices to require the fields (except 
the `channel' field that's not marked strict) being evaluated.

    instance NFData TvShow

that means you make TvShow an instance using the default implementation of 
`rnf', which is

    rnf a = a `seq` ()

In other words, with that instance, deepseq is exactly the same as seq for 
TvShow values, and ($!!) the same as ($!). Neither involves any of the fields.

So what you have is exactly the same as strict fields + strict return (`return 
$! result'), although it looks like it would do more.

The `return $!! result' alone (or `return $! result') without strictness 
annotations on the fields evaluates only the top-level constructor, TvShow.

An NFData instance that would force the fields,

    instance NFData TvShow where
        rnf (TvShow c t st su) = c `seq` t `seq` st `seq` su `seq` ()

(that one involves the `channel', you can leave that out to get the behaviour 
you have now) with a

    return $!! result

would achieve the evaluation without strictness annotations on the fields.

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