[Haskell-beginners] Stack space overflow: using strict accumulator still fails

Hugo Ferreira hmf at inescporto.pt
Thu Oct 27 15:22:26 CEST 2011


After trying the suggestions, I still cannot execute
the code. I have tried:

scoreRule_ r zs = Z.foldlz' (scoreElem r) (0, 0) zs
     where scoreElem r !s@(!nCorrect, !nIncorrect) z =
               case ruleApplication r z of
                 Just tag -> if tag == correct then
                                 (nCorrect+1, nIncorrect)
                             else (nCorrect, nIncorrect + 1)
                 Nothing  -> s
               where (correct, _) = Z.cursor z


scoreRule_ r zs = Z.foldlz' (scoreElem r) (0, 0) zs
               where (correct, _) = Z.cursor z
                     nCorrect = nCorrect + 1
                     nIncorrect = nIncorrect + 1
     where scoreElem r s@(nCorrect, nIncorrect) z =
               case ruleApplication r z of
                 Just tag -> if tag == correct then
                                 let nCorrect = nCorrect + 1 in
                                 nCorrect `seq` nIncorrect `seq` 
(nCorrect, nIncorrect)
                             else let nIncorrect = nIncorrect + 1 in
                                  nCorrect `seq` nIncorrect `seq` 
(nCorrect, nIncorrect)
                 Nothing  -> s
               where (correct, _) = Z.cursor z

In an attempt to figure out the problem I also tried:

scoreRule_ r zs = Z.foldlz' (scoreElem r) (0, 0) zs
     where scoreElem r !s@(!nCorrect, !nIncorrect) z = (nCorrect, 
               where (correct, _) = Z.cursor z
                     nCorrect = nCorrect + 1
                     nIncorrect = nIncorrect + 1

Strangely enough GHC complains that correct, nCorrect and nIncorrect
are not used. Why is this so for nCorrect and nIncorrect? Why won't the
above also execute in a strict manner?

Does anyone have any ideas why I still get stack-overflow?

Hugo F.

On 10/27/2011 12:41 PM, Daniel Fischer wrote:
> On Thursday 27 October 2011, 12:45:11, Hugo Ferreira wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Have a stack overflow but cannot see why (read up on [1],
>> may be missing something trivial). Once again using the
>> http://nlpwp.org/ book code. If I call the following function,
>> it blows its top:
>> scoreRule :: TransformationRule ->  Z.Zipper (Tag, Tag) ->  Int
>> scoreRule r z = nCorrect - nIncorrect
>>       where (nCorrect, nIncorrect) = scoreRule_ r z
>> scoreRule_ :: TransformationRule ->  Z.Zipper (Tag, Tag) ->  (Int, Int)
>> scoreRule_ r = Z.foldlz' (scoreElem r) (0, 0)
>>       where scoreElem r s@(nCorrect, nIncorrect) z =
>>                 case ruleApplication r z of
>>                   Just tag ->  if tag == correct then
>>                                   (nCorrect + 1, nIncorrect)
>>                               else
>>                                   (nCorrect, nIncorrect + 1)
>>                   Nothing  ->  s
>>                 where (correct, _) = Z.cursor z
>> however I see that the eager version of foldlz is being used.
>> I also though that maybe ruleApplication my not be executing
>> immediately. But I cannot see why (added definition below for
>> reference).
>> Can anyone point out why this is not strict?
> The additions (increments) are never forced before the final subtraction,
> so from scoreRule_ you will probably get a pair of thunks
> (((...(0+1)+1...)+1), ((...(0+1)+1...)+1)),
> since the forcing in the fold can only use seq, to force *the outermost
> constructor* of the intermediate results, in this case, the outermost
> constructor is the pair constructor - (,) - and the components are left
> unforced.
> To force the increments without (big) delay, you can
> - use a custom strict pair type instead of ordinary pairs
> data P = P !Int !Int  -- {-# UNPACK #-} the fields for extra goodness
> so that forcing the outermost constructor automatically forces the
> components.
> - make the scoreElem function strict in the components of the accumulator
> s, with ghc {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-},
> scoreElem r !s@(!nCorrect, !nIncorrect) z = ...
> that way you will never get bigger thungks than (n+1) in the components
> - force the updated count as it is constructed,
>     if tag == correct
>        then let newCorrect = nCorrect+1
>             in newCorrect `seq` (newCorrect, nIncorrect)
>        else let newIncorrect = ...
> The important thing to be aware of is that seq only forces the outermost
> level of a value. If the value is a structure with more levels, it doesn't
> prevent the building of huge thunks in the inner levels at all.
> You then have to take care of that yourself, by using a datatype with the
> desired strictness or, in the case of folds and similar, providing a
> comination function with the desired strictness.
> HTH,
> Daniel

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