[Haskell-beginners] Unresponsive interactive GHC using Leksah

Hugo Ferreira hmf at inescporto.pt
Fri Oct 21 17:27:14 CEST 2011

On 10/21/2011 04:22 PM, Daniel Fischer wrote:
> On Friday 21 October 2011, 16:58:45, Hugo Ferreira wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am trying out the code in the book http://nlpwp.org/.
>> When testing the code in chapter 7 (POS tagger), the
>> interactive session consumes much memory and the whole
>> system becomes unresponsive (Ubuntu 10.04, Dual Core,
>> 2 Gig memory). I even find it difficult to kill the process.
>> If I execute a ghci session I see very large memory (1.6Gig)
>> use and relative slow execution. However the system does not
>> become as unresponsive. If I run the executable directly the
>> execution goes from minutes to seconds.
> Does ghci load compiled or interpreted code?

I load the file directly, so I assume I am using interpreted code.

> In the latter case, compiling it before loading (or even invoking ghci with
> the -fobject-code flag) might help.

When using ghci directly I can use this flag.
Don't know If I can use this in Leksah. Going to check.

Thanks for the info,
Hugo F.

>> Anyone know if I can tweak GHCi and/or leksah to avoid or
>> simple reduce this problem?
>> TIA,
>> Hugo F.

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