[Haskell-beginners] using record in aeson
Rick Murphy
rick at rickmurphy.org
Wed Oct 19 02:23:43 CEST 2011
Thanks, David. That was great advice.
I wonder whether you and others might provide more advice on how to
improve the worked example below. I suspect the compiler provides a hint
with the pattern match overlap warning, but I wonder what opportunities
for refactoring an experienced Haskeller would envision.
In terms of background, the worked example partially implements the
following specification.
Here's a test string and the worked example:
{"http://www.example.com/about":{"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title":{"type":"literal","value":"Rick's Home Page","lang":"http://w3.org/en","datatype":"http://w3.org/#string"},"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title":{"type":"literal","value":"Rick's Home Page","lang":"http://w3.org/en","datatype":"http://w3.org/#string"}}}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (mzero)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as J
import Data.Attoparsec
data RDFType = Literal T.Text | URI T.Text | BNode T.Text deriving
type RDFValue = T.Text
type Lang = T.Text
type DTyp = T.Text
data RDFObject = RDFObject {s :: RDFType, u :: RDFValue, v :: Lang, w ::
DTyp} deriving (Show)
data Property = Property (T.Text, RDFObject) deriving (Show)
data Subject = Subject (T.Text, [Property]) deriving (Show)
data RDF = RDF [Subject] deriving Show
instance FromJSON Subject
parseJSON (Object o) = Subject <$> toSubject o
toSubject :: (M.Map T.Text Value) -> J.Parser (T.Text,
toSubject o' = do
s <- return $ M.assocs o'
k <- return $ fst $ head s
v <- return $ snd $ head s
ps <- mapM (parseJSON :: Value -> J.Parser Property) (M.elems
return $ (k,ps)
toSubject _ = error "unexpected subject"
parseJSON _ = mzero
instance FromJSON RDFObject where
parseJSON (Object o) = RDFObject <$> (o .: "type") <*> (o .: "value")
<*> (o .: "lang") <*> (o .: "datatype")
instance FromJSON Property where
parseJSON (Object o) = Property <$> toProperty o
toProperty :: (M.Map T.Text Value) -> J.Parser (T.Text, RDFObject)
toProperty o' = do
p <- return $ M.assocs o'
k <- return $ fst $ head p
v <- return $ snd $ head p
o'' <- parseJSON v :: J.Parser RDFObject
return (k,o'')
toProperty _ = error "unexpected property"
parseJSON _ = mzero
instance FromJSON RDFType where
parseJSON v@(String s) | v == "literal" = return $ Literal s
| v == "bnode" = return $ BNode s
| otherwise = return $ URI s
parseAll :: B.ByteString -> [Subject]
parseAll s = case (parse (fromJSON <$> json) s) of
Done _ (Error err) -> error err
Done ss (Success e) -> e:(parseAll ss)
_ -> []
main :: IO ()
main = do s <- B.readFile "6.json"
let p = RDF $ parseAll s
print p
On Wed, 2011-10-12 at 11:21 -0400, David McBride wrote:
> The problem is that in parseObject, from the moment you type 'return',
> you are then in pure code. But you are trying to do applicative
> functions as if you are still in the Parser monad. Here is a way to
> rewrite this.
> First rewrite
> data MyRecord = MyRecord {s :: T.Text, u :: T.Text} deriving (Show)
> because we are using Text not String, then
> parseObject o' = mapM toMyPair (M.assocs o')
> where
> toMyPair :: (T.Text, Value) -> J.Parser MyPair
> toMyPair (t, Object o'') = do
> rec <- MyRecord <$> (o'' .: "type") <*> (o'' .: "value") ::
> J.Parser MyRecord
> return $ R (t, rec)
> toMyPair _ = error "unexpected"
> That is, stay in the parser monad and pull out the things you need
> using do notation, then return the whole thing back into the parser
> monad. You could have also gone:
> toMyPair (t, Object o'') = do
> typ <- o'' .: "type"
> val <- o'' .: "value"
> return $ R (t, MyRecord typ val)
> On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 9:17 PM, Rick Murphy <rick at rickmurphy.org> wrote:
> > Hi All:
> >
> > I've been elaborating on aeson examples and wondered whether someone
> > could clarify the syntax for using a record in a pair. My goal is to
> > substitute a record for the list of pairs created through the data
> > constructor O [(T.Text, Value)] in MyPair below. Reason being to embed
> > the semantics of the json file into the record. To reproduce, just
> > uncomment the lines in the source below.
> >
> > The json file structure is as follows:
> > {"outer":{"type":"literal","value":"rick"}}
> >
> > Note my naive attempt in the commented lines returns the following
> > message from ghci. 'f0 b0' doesn't give me much to go on.
> >
> > -- E1.hs:35:41:
> > -- Couldn't match expected type `MyRecord' with actual type `f0 b0'
> > -- In the expression: MyRecord <$> o'' .: "type" <*> o'' .: "value"
> > -- In the first argument of `R', namely
> > -- `(t, MyRecord <$> o'' .: "type" <*> o'' .: "value")'
> > -- In the expression: R (t, MyRecord <$> o'' .: "type" <*> o'' .:
> > "value")
> > -- Failed, modules loaded: none.
> >
> > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
> >
> > module Main where
> >
> > import Control.Applicative
> > import Control.Monad (mzero)
> >
> > import qualified Data.ByteString as B
> > import qualified Data.Map as M
> > import qualified Data.Text as T
> >
> > import Data.Aeson
> > import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as J
> > import Data.Attoparsec
> >
> > -- data MyRecord = MyRecord {s :: String, u :: String} deriving (Show)
> >
> > data MyPair = O (T.Text, [(T.Text, Value)])
> > -- | R (T.Text, MyRecord)
> > deriving (Show)
> >
> > data ExifObject = ExifObject [MyPair]
> > deriving Show
> >
> > data Exif = Exif [ExifObject]
> > deriving Show
> >
> > instance FromJSON ExifObject
> > where
> > parseJSON (Object o) = ExifObject <$> parseObject o
> > where
> > parseObject o' = return $ map toMyPair (M.assocs o')
> >
> > toMyPair (t, Object o'')= O (t, M.assocs o'')
> > -- toMyPair (t, Object o'')= R (t, MyRecord <$> o'' .: "type" <*>
> > o'' .: "value")
> > toMyPair _ = error "unexpected"
> >
> > parseJSON _ = mzero
> >
> > parseAll :: B.ByteString -> [ExifObject]
> > parseAll s = case (parse (fromJSON <$> json) s) of
> > Done _ (Error err) -> error err
> > Done ss (Success e) -> e:(parseAll ss)
> > _ -> []
> >
> > main :: IO ()
> > main = do s <- B.readFile "e1.json"
> > let p = Exif $ parseAll s
> > print p
> >
> > --
> > Rick
> >
> >
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