[Haskell-beginners] Data structure for Propositional Logic formulas
Daniel Schoepe
daniel at schoepe.org
Wed Oct 12 22:58:47 CEST 2011
On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 17:38:51 +0200, Alexander Raasch <info at alexraasch.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I wrote this program to work with formulas in propositional logic:
> data Formula =
> | Variable Char
> | Not Formula | And Formula Formula | Or Formula Formula
> | Imply Formula Formula | Equivalent Formula Formula
> deriving (Eq)
It would be better to have Formula only include a few basic primitives
(And, Or and Not is a popular choice), and define the rest in terms of
those. More on that in the answer to your second question.
> instance Show Formula where
> show (Variable v) = [v]
> show (Not f) = "~" ++ show f
> show (And f g) = "(" ++ show f ++ " & " ++ show g ++ ")"
> show (Or f g) = "(" ++ show f ++ " v " ++ show g ++ ")"
> show (Imply f g ) = "(" ++ show f ++ " -> " ++ show g ++ ")"
> show (Equivalent f g ) = "(" ++ show f ++ " <-> " ++ show g ++ ")"
> To make a formula you can do something like:
> ghci> let f = Or (Variable 'C') (And (Variable 'A') (Not (Variable 'C')))
> ghci> f
> (C v (A & ~C))
> So, my questions are:
> 1. Do you think this is an elegant solution or would you define custom
> operators (or, and, ->, <->) instead? Or something completely
> different?
You can still define such operators afterwards, and I think it would
make formulas easier to read and write, for example:
(<&&>) :: Formula -> Formula
a <&&> b = And a b
> 2. If I pack this code into a module how would add a new logic
> connective like xor or nand to Formula? Meaning, can I add another type
> constructor to it?
If you chose a set of "primitives" capable of expressing every other
formula, you can define xor, nand, etc. later as normal functions:
nand :: Formula -> Formula -> Formula
nand a b = Not (And a b)
> 3. Is there a way to "nest" data definitions, e.g. I would like to
> replace the 'Variable Char' type constructor by 'Literal Char', whereas
> a Literal is either a Variable or a negated Variable. Literals can be
> negated, too.
The parameters to constructors are not limited to built-in types and the
type you are defining. So for your example, something like this would
data Literal = Variable Char | NegVar Char
data Formula = Literal | And .......
That would of course introduce some redundancy, since `Not (Variable c)'
and `NegVar c' would represent the same formula.
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