[Haskell-beginners] How would you improve this program?

Lorenzo Bolla lbolla at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 10:13:45 CEST 2011


On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 11:08 PM, Daniel Fischer <
daniel.is.fischer at googlemail.com> wrote:

> A few problems:
> 1) your input cleaning is not correct, running it over the source file, I
> get (among others)

Thanks, I'll fix it asap.

> 2) If you have a looong but rare word in the text, you will get too many
> spaces between the words and the markers, that's not good.


> 3) you calculate the number of '#'s using the total line length and then
> subtract the length of (word + spaces), skewing your output. You should
> calculate (spaceForHashes = lineWidth - maxLength - 1) and the use that to
> determine the number of hashes.
> [Although it should be more complicated really, maxLength should only
> include those words that are actually output.]

Fixed, thanks.

Style is okay, although like Michael Xavier, I'm more of a where-guy.

A part from style, is there any reason why one should prefer "where" over

> You build the map via fromListWith (+). That's bad if you have input with
> large counts. fromListWith (+) gives you thunks of the form
> (...(1+1)+1)...+1) as map-entries. That costs a lot of space and time.
> Better build the map using insertWith',
>  mp = foldl' ins empty words
>    where
>      ins m w = insertWith' (+) w 1 m

Please find the "strict" version here:

Plot of times is now:

Python is still slightly faster, but I'm getting there.

>    3. a Python version using defaultdict.
> sort is O(n*log n), map and python are O(n*log d), where n is the number of
> words and d the number of distinct words.

I believe Python's defaultdict have (optimistically) O(1) lookup and insert,
because it is implemented as a hashmap.

Thanks everybody for your tips. They are most welcome.

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