[Haskell-beginners] Diagnosing : Large memory usage + low CPU
Hugo Ferreira
hmf at inescporto.pt
Tue Nov 29 12:20:19 CET 2011
I am testing a simple algorithm and find that during part of the
execution this is fast and uses acceptable memory. However, when
it gets to a certain point the memory climbs to 75-80 % of the
OS's memory and CPU plummets to a mere 5% at most.
In the part of the application that executes ok I have calls as
let r9' = evalTagger'' (tagFun suffixCapsFreq) $ test
let a9' = tagginAccuracy r9'
putStrLn ("Suffix(3) + Caps + Freq tag result done = " ++ (show a9'))
The slow one has:
let r12' = evalTagger'' ruleSuffixCapsFreq $ test
let a12' = tagginAccuracy r12'
putStrLn ("Rules + Suffix(3) + Caps + Freq tag result done = " ++
(show a12'))
The difference lies in the following functions:
ruleApplication :: TransformationRule -> POSTags -> Maybe Tag
ruleApplication (NextTagRule (Replacement old new) next) z = do
(_, _, proposed) <- Z.safeCursor z
(_, _, nextProposed) <- rightCursor z
if proposed == old && nextProposed == next then Just new else Nothing
updateState :: (TransformationRule,Int) -> POSTags -> POSTags
updateState r = Z.fromList . reverse . Z.foldlz' (update r) []
where update (r,_) !xs z =
case ruleApplication r z of
Just tag -> (token, correct, tag):xs
Nothing -> e:xs
where e@(token, correct, _proposed) = Z.cursor z
rulesT :: [(TransformationRule, Int)] -> POSTags -> POSTags
rulesT rs state = L.foldl' tag state rs
tag !s rule = updateState rule s
(.>) :: (POSTags -> Tag) -> (POSTags -> Tag) -> POSTags -> Tag
f .> g = \ x ->
case (g x) of
"" -> f x
t -> t
(|>) :: (POSTags -> POSTags) -> (POSTags -> Tag) -> POSTags -> POSTags
f |> g = \ x -> f $ tagFun g x
let ruleT = rulesT top10Rules
let suffixCapsFreq = suffixT .> capitalizeT .> freqT
let ruleSuffixCapsFreq = ruleT |> suffixCapsFreq
where top10Rules is a list. Note that suffixCapsFreq and tagFun
are common to both calls.
I have placed bangs in many places and used eager evaluation in the
folds. However nothing seems to help. Can anyone tell me how I should
diagnose this problem. Any suggestions are welcome.
Hugo F.
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