[Haskell-beginners] Yesod umlaut issue

Obscaenvs obscaenvs at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 14:09:37 CET 2011

Hello, friends. I come in peace.

I would like there to be an "umlaut-translator"-function for Yesod (i.e. 
"รถ" -> "ö"), but I have yet to find it. Furthermore the 
"#{}"-syntax does escaping of stuff like '<', '>' and, a more troubling 
'&' which is used in the umlaut-syntax. So any umlaut-translator would 
have to do this *after* the application of toHtml by the "#{}"-syntax 
which complicates writing ones own umlaut-converter. I may be totally 
wrong here; if so, feel free to correct me. I am also rather new to 
Yesod, but I am intent on giving it a good evaluation.

I am going to write several web applications in the near future for 
different clients, and Yesod seems like the promising tool. However, I 
need this conversion tool -- I *think*; maybe I have the wrong angle 


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