[Haskell-beginners] How to avoid repeating code

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at googlemail.com
Thu May 26 13:47:40 CEST 2011

On Thursday 26 May 2011 02:23:06, Federico Mastellone wrote:
> Hi,
> I created a Data.MultiMap module based on Data.Map and Data.Set like
> this:
> data MultiMap k v = MultiMap (Map k (Set v))
> and a Data.IntMultiMap module based on Data.IntMap and data.IntSet like
> this:
> data IntMultiMap = IntMultiMap (IntMap IntSet)

Both of these would better be newtypes instead of data, I think.
Using data incurs some run-time overhead (the newtype doesn't exist at run-
time, only during compile-time [type checking phase], so it's a strictly 
controlled type alias in practice, making it easier [or possible at all] to 
apply optimisations available for the underlying type) due to the extra 
indirections via the constructor and introduces the new value
(MultiMap _|_), which complicates strictness analysis and optimisations in 

> For example the functions to add a value I wrote are:
> For MultiMap:
> addValue :: k -> v -> MultiMap k v -> MultiMap k v
> addValue k v (MultiMap m) = MultiMap $ Map.insertWith (\new old ->
> Set.insert v old) k (Set.singleton v) m
> For IntMultiMap:
> addValue :: Int -> Int -> IntMultiMap -> IntMultiMap
> addValue k v (IntMultiMap m) = IntMultiMap $ IntMap.insertWith (\new old
> -> IntSet.insert v old) k (IntSet.singleton v) m
> Both modules look almost the same, with the same
> documentation, same behavior, same function names but with different
> type signatures.

Well, we have the same situation with Map/IntMap and Set/IntSet, so

> Is there a way to make this simpler?

Not a really good one (at least, none I know).

> The same thing happens to the modules that are using MultiMap and
> IntMultiMap, I have to write two versions of each.

You can reduce the code duplication at the use sites with a type class,

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

class MultiMapClass m where
  type Key m
  type Value m
  empty :: m
  singleton :: Key m -> Value m -> m
  addValue :: Key m -> Value m -> m -> m

instance (Ord k, Ord v) => MultiMapClass (MultiMap k v) where
  type Key (MultiMap k v) = k
  type Value (MultiMap k v) = v
  empty = MultiMap Map.empty

instance MultiMapClass IntMultiMap where
  type Key IntMultiMap = Int
  type Value IntMultiMap = Int
  empty = IntMultiMap IntMap.empty

> Thanks!

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