[Haskell-beginners] Network.Curl POST body not showing up

Satoshi Nakamura ml-en at snak.org
Thu May 12 05:10:06 CEST 2011

Hi Micheal,

You cannot use curlGetString to POST since it always uses GET.

Here is a code snippet which I use. Although I don't use basic auth,
you can add another opt to use it.

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

import Control.Exception (IOException, handle)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BSS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS8
import Data.IORef
import qualified Network.Curl as Curl
import Network.URI (URI)

post :: URI -> BS.ByteString -> String -> IO (Maybe BS.ByteString)
post uri body contentType = handleIOException (const $ return Nothing)
$ Curl.withCurlDo $ do
        bodyRef <- newIORef []
        h <- Curl.initialize
        mapM_ (Curl.setopt h) $ [Curl.CurlURL $ show uri,
                                 Curl.CurlNoBody False,
                                 Curl.CurlFollowLocation False,
                                 Curl.CurlMaxRedirs 0,
                                 Curl.CurlAutoReferer False,
                                 Curl.CurlUserAgent "Mozilla/5.0",
                                 Curl.CurlNoSignal True,
--                                 Curl.CurlVerbose True,
                                 Curl.CurlPostFields [BS8.unpack body],
                                 Curl.CurlHttpHeaders ["Content-Type:
" ++ contentType],
                                 Curl.CurlWriteFunction $ bodyFunction bodyRef]
        code <- Curl.perform h
        if code /= Curl.CurlOK
            then return Nothing
            else liftM (Just . BS.fromChunks . reverse) $ readIORef bodyRef

bodyFunction :: IORef [BSS.ByteString] -> Curl.WriteFunction
bodyFunction r = Curl.gatherOutput_ $ \s -> do
                   bs <- BSS.packCStringLen s
                   modifyIORef r (bs:)

handleIOException :: (IOException -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
handleIOException handler action = handle (\(e :: IOException) ->
handler e) action

Satoshi Nakamura <snakamura at gmail.com>

2011/5/12 Michael Xavier <nemesisdesign at gmail.com>:
> I've tried 3 different HTTP libraries for this project: Network.HTTP (which
> doesn't support SSL), Network.Curl, and http-enumerator. This project
> requires SSL, HTTP Basic Auth and Post. Network.HTTP does not support SSL
> and http-enumerator does not support HTTP basic authentication. The
> maintainer said he'd welcome a patch to it but I don't really have the time
> or skill at this stage to implement something like that.
> So I'm stuck with trying to coerce curl into doing what I need it to do.
> Hopefully someone on this list has been able to successfully POST a string
> body with Network.Curl
> On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 6:07 PM, Erik de Castro Lopo <mle+hs at mega-nerd.com>
> wrote:
>> Bryce Verdier wrote:
>> > I would be interested in this as well. I'm trying to use Network.Curl
>> > for a personal project, also using a method_post, and am not able to get
>> > a response. Though I know it's connecting.
>> >
>> > I _think_ that I need to use CurlWriteFunction, but I'm still new to
>> > Haskell & not sure how to work with that option.
>> I tried a number of times to do things with Network.Curl and found
>> it to be a painful and frustrating experience. The API is highly
>> irregular and often remains too close to the underlying C API.
>> More recently I've been using the http-enumerator package which
>> is conceptually a little more complicated but works really,
>> really well. It does both HTTP and HTTPS, GET and POST. It
>> currently doesn't work via a proxy, but the http-enumerator
>> author has said he will take patches and I'm working on it.
>> Cheers,
>> Erik
>> --
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Erik de Castro Lopo
>> http://www.mega-nerd.com/
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> Michael Xavier
> http://www.michaelxavier.net
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