[Haskell-beginners] Problem with Data.Map and IO...

Manfred Lotz manfred.lotz at arcor.de
Wed May 11 20:05:27 CEST 2011

Hi there,
I've got a problem creating a map. 

I have a list of dataset names and adding those dataset names into a
map works fine like this:

module Main where

import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M

insertRec :: M.Map String String -> String -> M.Map String String
insertRec m e =
  let f = M.lookup e m in
  if  f == Nothing
     M.insert e  "bla" m
createMap :: [String] -> M.Map String String 
createMap lst =
  let m = M.empty in
  foldl' insertRec m  lst 

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let xmlfiles = [ "a.xml","f.xml"]
  let ht = createMap xmlfiles
  print ht

However, actually I want to parse the xml files and adding content into
the map. 

For this I have a function 
getXmlContent :: FilePath -> IO (String,String)

and would like to do something like this:

insertRec m e = do
  c <- getXmlContent e 
  let k = fst c
  let v = snd c
  M.insert  k v  m

Unfortunately, this doesn't work because of IO. I have no glue how to
get this done.  

Any help appreciated.


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