[Haskell-beginners] PHP vs Haskell... a challenge!
David McBride
dmcbride at neondsl.com
Thu Mar 17 05:34:11 CET 2011
I was bored, so I wrote this as a solution. I wrote the replace
string function using attoparsec. Uses bytestrings throughout so that
it will be fast.
I intially tried regexes and soon abandoned that. Then I tried
parsec, but parsec doesn't do bytestrings very well, so I went to
attoparsec and that was the best code.
Requires csv-bytestring and attoparsec libraries.
import Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w)
import Text.CSV.ByteString
import Data.Attoparsec.Char8 as AC
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
loadcsv = do
temp <- B.readFile "blah.temp"
fmap parseCSV (B.readFile "blah.csv") >>= parse' temp
parse' _ Nothing = return ()
parse' temp (Just csv) = mapM_ (B.putStrLn . replaceInStr temp) csv
replaceInStr :: ByteString -> [ByteString] -> ByteString
replaceInStr str xs = case feed (parse replacePat str) B.empty of
Done _ r -> r
otherwise -> error "Something wrong with my parser."
replacePat = liftM2 B.append (fmap B.concat (many replace)) rest
replace = do
beg <- takeTill (== '@')
char '@'
i <- decimal
return $ beg `B.append` (xs !! i)
rest = do
x <- takeTill (isEndOfLine . c2w)
return x
On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 8:00 PM, Sean Charles <sean at objitsu.com> wrote:
> I tried in vain using Text.CSV to write a small utility for myself that
> would *simply* map a CSV file across a template, specifically for
> mass-producing Drupal nodes from a CSV file... Here's what the Haskell code
> has to compete with :-
> eric,42,"Hacker"
> bert,20,"Janitor"
> harry,15,"Web nerd"
> UPDATE foo SET rating = @1, role = '@2' where name = '@0';
> And the PHP code that is used to produce ANY output from the template and
> CSV data (forget injection attacks and all that for now, this is
> proof-of-concept remember)...
> <?php
> $template = file_get_contents($argv[1]);
> if ($fh=fopen($argv[2],"r")) {
> while($line = fgetcsv($fh)) {
> foreach ($line as $k => $v ) $line['@'.$k] = $v;
> echo strtr($template,$line)."\n";
> }
> fclose($fh);
> }
> ?>
> Note that I have had to remap the index keys to @n in order not to
> accidentally hit any numerical data that may be in the template. This is my
> test, the *real* template creates a Drupal node dynamically and has lots of
> [0]['value'] bits in it so I had to do this, I will allow any shortcuts to
> be used though as I would have liked to have coded the utility in Haskell to
> get better at it but tonight it defeats me!
> Here then is my unsatisfactory code and no, it doesn't compile or work very
> well as I am still trying hard with it!
> I want to learn!
> Still my biggest headache is type matching and deciphering the sometimes
> complete gibberish output from the type inference system when I screw up...
> I am finding it very hard to work out what I did wrong at times. Sitting
> here with Real World Haskell is proving fruitless tonight. :(
> Here's the rubbish code...
> import Text.CSV
> import System.Environment
> import System.IO
> import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Error
> main = do
> args <- getArgs
> case length args of
> 2 -> do
> csvdata <- parseCSVFromFile (last args)
> either
> (\error -> print error)
> (\csvdata -> processData (head args) csvdata)
> csvdata
> _ -> print "Usage: csvsql template datafile.csv (options later!)"
> {-
> csvdata is [CSV]
> a CSV is [Record]
> a Record is [Field]
> a Field is String
> -}
> processData :: String -> CSV -> IO ()
> processData filename csvdata = do
> tin <- openFile filename ReadMode
> template <- hGetContents tin
> processRow template csvdata
> hClose tin
> return ()
> processRow :: String -> [Record] -> String
> processRow template row = "eric" ++ template
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