[Haskell-beginners] Help!!

aditya siram aditya.siram at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 17:23:14 CET 2011

What do you have so far? Or how are you thinking of attacking the problem?

On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 10:00 AM, Jessica Baker
<jessicamaybaker at gmail.com> wrote:
> 3.1 Step 1
> Create a Haskell script le called crypt.hs and enter the code for he Caesar
> cipher from
> Section 5.5 of the text book (Hutton). Make sure you understand how all the
> functions
> work.
> 3.2 Step 2
> Transform your script le (from Step 1) into a Haskell program that reads
> text from the
> standard input, encrypts the text using the Caesar cipher, and writes the
> result to the
> standard output. Your program should take a command-line argument that speci
> es the
> shift factor to be used. So, for example:
> cat poem.txt | ./crypt 3
> Eqvdqjxlqlqj wkh vnb
> Hrz khdylob lw glhv
> Iqwr wkh Whvw dzdb
> Pdvw wrxfk dqg vljkw dqg vrxqg
> Nr orqjhu wr eh irxqg
> Hrz krshohvv xqghujurxqg
> Fdoov wkh uhpruvhixo gdb
> If the command-line argument is 0 (zero) then the program should crack the
> code and
> output the deciphered text. So, the following command pipeline should echo
> the original
> message:
> cat poem.txt | ./crypt 3 | ./crypt 0
> Ensanguining the sky
> How heavily it dies
> Into the West away
> Past touch and sight and sound
> No longer to be found
> How hopeless underground
> Falls the remorseful day
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