[Haskell-beginners] GHC compilation without using module Main

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at googlemail.com
Mon Mar 7 00:26:51 CET 2011

On Monday 07 March 2011 00:03:26, Andrew Pennebaker wrote:
> $ ghc -o scriptedmain -main-is ScriptedMain scriptedmain.hs
> $ ./scriptedmain
> Main: The meaning of life is 42
> $ ghc -o test -main-is Test.main test.hs scriptedmain.hs
> compilation IS NOT required

You have to recompile, I'm afraid. GHC generated the code for 
ScriptedMain.main as entry point 'main', then it generated the code for 
Test.main as entry point 'main', so there's two symbols for the entry point 
'main', I don't think you can hide that from the linker.

$ ghc -fforce-recomp -o test -main-is...

That would of course be inconvenient if there's more than a small module to 
recompile, so it's a good idea to separate the 'main's from the code that 
really does stuff.

> ld: duplicate symbol _ZCMain_main_info in scriptedmain.o and test.o
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> Cheers,
> Andrew Pennebaker

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