[Haskell-beginners] Example needed

Sean Perry shaleh at speakeasy.net
Wed Jun 15 08:21:06 CEST 2011

On Jun 14, 2011, at 8:16 PM, David Place wrote:
> On Jun 14, 2011, at 10:01 PM, Zhi-Qiang Lei wrote:
>> I wonder why haskell do not take foldl' as default foldl if foldl is not used in production often.
> It would be quite interesting to grep over the ghc sources to find uses of foldl.

From containers/Data/Tree.hs:
-- takes a sequence (queue) of seeds
-- produces a sequence (reversed queue) of trees of the same length
unfoldForestQ :: Monad m => (b -> m (a, [b])) -> Seq b -> m (Seq (Tree a))
unfoldForestQ f aQ = case viewl aQ of
	EmptyL -> return empty
	a :< aQ' -> do
		(b, as) <- f a
		tQ <- unfoldForestQ f (Prelude.foldl (|>) aQ' as)
		let (tQ', ts) = splitOnto [] as tQ
		return (Node b ts <| tQ')
  where splitOnto :: [a'] -> [b'] -> Seq a' -> (Seq a', [a'])
	splitOnto as [] q = (q, as)
	splitOnto as (_:bs) q = case viewr q of
		q' :> a -> splitOnto (a:as) bs q'
		EmptyR -> error "unfoldForestQ"

accum                 :: (Ix a) => (b -> c -> b) -> Array a b -> [(a,c)] -> Array a b
accum f               =  foldl (\a (i,v) -> a // [(i,f (a!i) v)])

From pretty/Text/PrettyPrint/HughesPJ.hs:
Version 3.0     28 May 1997
  * Cured massive performance bug.  If you write

        foldl <> empty (map (text.show) [1..10000])

    you get quadratic behaviour with V2.0.  Why?  For just the same
    reason as you get quadratic behaviour with left-associated (++)

    This is really bad news.  One thing a pretty-printer abstraction
    should certainly guarantee is insensivity to associativity.  It
    matters: suddenly GHC's compilation times went up by a factor of
    100 when I switched to the new pretty printer.

    I fixed it with a bit of a hack (because I wanted to get GHC back
    on the road).  I added two new constructors to the Doc type, Above
    and Beside:

         <> = Beside
         $$ = Above

    Then, where I need to get to a "TextBeside" or "NilAbove" form I
    "force" the Doc to squeeze out these suspended calls to Beside and
    Above; but in so doing I re-associate. It's quite simple, but I'm
    not satisfied that I've done the best possible job.  I'll send you
    the code if you are interested.

From random/System/Random.hs
 If we cannot unravel the StdGen from a string, create
 one based on the string given.
stdFromString         :: String -> (StdGen, String)
stdFromString s        = (mkStdGen num, rest)
	where (cs, rest) = splitAt 6 s
              num        = foldl (\a x -> x + 3 * a) 1 (map ord cs)

time/Data/Time/Format/Parse.hs -- many instances

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