[Haskell-beginners] Monad operators: multiple parameters

aditya siram aditya.siram at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 18:58:28 CEST 2011

In your example, yes the two would produce the same result, but the
difference with using "let" inside of a do-block is that you have
access to variables captured inside the block. So for example if you
wanted to get input from the user, capitalize it and append a suffix ,
the following functions are equivalent :
    import Data.Char(toUpper)
    main = let suffix = "suffix" in
                   x <- getLine
                   let upperCase = map toUpper x
                   return (upperCase ++ suffix)
    main2 = let suffix = "suffix" in
                    x <- getLine
                    return (map toUpper x ++ suffix)

Notice that in the "let upperCase ..." line in "main" uses "x" which
was defined within the do-block, you would not have access to "x"
outside the do-block. For reading simplicity when the whole function
is one do-block I usually stick the "let"s inside the block.


On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 11:42 AM, Christopher Howard
<christopher.howard at frigidcode.com> wrote:
> On 06/07/2011 04:54 AM, Mats Rauhala wrote:
>> On 04:30 Tue 07 Jun     , Christopher Howard wrote:
>>> In a reply to an earlier question, someone told me that "do" expressions
>>> are simply syntactic sugar that expand to expressions with the >> and
>>>>> = operators. I was trying to understand this (and the Monad class) better.
>>> I see in my own experiments that this...
>>> main = do ln1 <- getLine
>>>           putStrLn ln1
>>> translates to this:
>>> main = getLine >>= \ln1 -> putStrLn ln1
>>> However, what does this translate to?:
>>> main = do ln1 <- getLine
>>>           ln2 <- getLine
>>>           putStrLn (ln1 ++ ln2)
>> It translates to:
>> main = getLine >>= \ln1 -> getLine >>= \ln2 -> putStrLn (ln1 ++ ln2)
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> Thank you Fischer and Rauhala for your prompt and helpful responses.
> One final point of clarification, on a related note: am I correct in
> reasoning that...
> main = do let x = expression
>          /remainder/
> is the equivalent of...
> main = let x = expression in /expanded remainder/
> so that, for example...
> main = ln1 <- getline
>       let ln2 = "suffix"
>       putStrLn (ln1 ++ ln2)
> would translate to...
> main = let ln2 = "suffix" in
>        getLine >>= \ln1 -> putStrLn (ln1 ++ ln2)
> This above example works, but I want to be sure I haven't misunderstood
> any important technical points.
> --
> frigidcode.com
> theologia.indicium.us
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