[Haskell-beginners] I wrote a state monad example - help me make it more Haskellic
Rohit Garg
rpg.314 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 23 17:56:20 CEST 2011
I have written my first program using state monads and I would like
some feedback from the community regarding how Haskellic it is. It's a
simple simulator for a toy microprocessor. The contents of registers
are the state that needs to be preserved across instruction
evaluation. I have tried to implement the code dealing with monads
using both >>=, >> and the do block.
Also, I'd like to make the RegisterVal type Word32, but when I do that, then
initial_rf = [0,0,0,0]
this line fails to typecheck.
If there are any bugs or non-idiomatic use of haskell, please let me know.
Thanks and regards,
import Data.Word
import Control.Monad.State
type RegisterVal = Int
type RegisterFile = [RegisterVal]
type RegisterID = Int
--destination comes first
data Instruction = Add RegisterID RegisterID RegisterID
| Sub RegisterID RegisterID RegisterID
| Mov RegisterID RegisterID
| Movc RegisterID RegisterVal
deriving (Show)
get_operand :: RegisterFile -> RegisterID -> RegisterVal
get_operand registers regid = registers !! regid
store_operand :: RegisterFile -> RegisterID -> RegisterVal -> RegisterFile
store_operand registers regid value = (take regid registers) ++
[value] ++ (drop (regid+1) registers)
eval_inst :: Instruction -> RegisterFile -> RegisterFile
eval_inst (Add dstid src1id src2id) rf = rf_final
where rf_final = store_operand rf dstid res --store
res = op1 + op2 --evaluate
(op1, op2) = (get_operand rf src1id , get_operand rf
src2id) --load
eval_inst (Sub dstid src1id src2id) rf = rf_final
where rf_final = store_operand rf dstid res --store
res = op1 - op2 --evaluate
(op1, op2) = (get_operand rf src1id , get_operand rf
src2id) --load
eval_inst (Mov dstid srcid) rf = rf_final
where rf_final = store_operand rf dstid res --store
res = op1 --evaluate
op1 = get_operand rf srcid --load
eval_inst (Movc dstid imm) rf = rf_final
where rf_final = store_operand rf dstid res --store
res = imm --evaluate
initial_rf :: RegisterFile
initial_rf = [0,0,0,0]
insts = [Movc 0 231, Movc 1 (-42), Add 2 1 0, Sub 3 1 0]
execute_inst2 :: Instruction -> State RegisterFile RegisterFile
execute_inst2 inst = get >>= \rf1 -> let rf2 = eval_inst inst rf1
in put rf2 >> return rf2
execute_inst2 inst = do
rf1 <- get
let rf2 = eval_inst inst rf1
put rf2
return rf2
execute_program2 :: [Instruction] -> State RegisterFile RegisterFile
execute_program2 [] = do
rf <- get
put rf
return rf
execute_program2 (x:xs) = do
rf1 <- execute_inst2 x
rf2 <- execute_program2 xs
put rf2
return rf2
execute_program2 [] = get >>= \rf ->
put rf >> return rf
execute_program2 (x:xs) = (execute_inst2 x) >>= \a ->
(execute_program2 xs) >>= \b ->
return b
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ show $ execState (execute_program2 insts) initial_rf
Rohit Garg
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