[Haskell-beginners] Trouble with liftIO in ReaderT
John Smith
voldermort at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 30 15:16:36 CET 2011
I'm trying to attach a handler to a Gtk2Hs event, and get the error:
No instance for (Control.Monad.IO.Class.MonadIO
(mtl- (GHC.Ptr.Ptr EAny) IO))
arising from a use of `liftIO'
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for
(mtl- (GHC.Ptr.Ptr EAny) IO))
This occurs with the sample at http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Gtk2Hs/Tutorials/Intro
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Control.Monad.Trans(liftIO)
main = do
window <- windowNew
window `on` deleteEvent $ liftIO mainQuit >> return False
-- i.e., on window deleteEvent (liftIO mainQuit >> return False)
widgetShow window
Why can't GHC find the instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (ReaderT r m)?
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