[Haskell-beginners] Help me make sense of this error

Michael Litchard michael at schmong.org
Wed Feb 9 00:48:52 CET 2011

Here's the three main functions involved. Let me know if I am missing
pertinent information.

I'm having difficulty unraveling this error message. Help?

> obtainCookies :: Curl -> String -> IO ()
> obtainCookies curl responseBody = do
>                 return $ last $ liftM $
>                    mapM (flip (curlResp2 curl) resourceOpts)
>                     screenScraping responseBody

> screenScraping :: String -> [URLString]
> screenScraping responseBody =
>                let collectedStrings = processHTML responseBody
>                    collectedIDLists = createIDList collectedStrings
>                    in constructedResourceURIs urlBase collectedIDLists

> constructedResourceURIs :: String -> [String] -> [URLString]
> constructedResourceURIs url resourceIDs =
>                         let frontURI = url ++ "/launchWebForward.do?"
>                             midURI = map (frontURI ++) resourceIDs
>                         in map (++ "&policy=0&returnTo=%2FshowWebForwards.do") midURI

    Couldn't match expected type `[URLString]'
           against inferred type `String -> [URLString]'
    In the second argument of `mapM', namely `screenScraping'
    In the second argument of `($)', namely
           (flip (curlResp2 curl) resourceOpts) screenScraping responseBody'
    In the second argument of `($)', namely
       $ mapM
           (flip (curlResp2 curl) resourceOpts) screenScraping responseBody'
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