[Haskell-beginners] gtk2hs [GIMP ToolKit]

Tim Baumgartner baumgartner.tim at googlemail.com
Sat Feb 5 22:19:06 CET 2011

2011/2/5 Patrick Lynch <kmandpjlynch at verizon.net>

> Program Files (x86) is a Windows thing...it is used to separate 32 bit and
> 64 bit apps...
> In regard to installing mingw, I checked the site and haven't a clue on how
> to download it...
> I'm not a unix guy and i haven't a clue as to what a 'tarball' is...
> I'd appreciate any help...

mingw only runs on Windows, because it's the minimalistic GNU for *Windows*
A GUI installer is available here:

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