[Haskell-beginners] Help me improve my code
Neuman Vong
neuman at twilio.com
Tue Aug 30 06:52:28 CEST 2011
Hi Haskell people,
I'm pretty new to Haskell still. There were a bunch of things I didn't
know how to do in the following script, I'm hoping some people on this
list can help with. For example, I had trouble returning an ExitCode
and using getProgName without getting a compile-time type error. I
feel like I'm doing something wrong with the Text/[Char] conversions
too. I'd also really appreciate any style tips. Thanks in advance!
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import System (getArgs)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import Data.Text (pack, splitOn, length, isPrefixOf, Text)
import Prelude hiding (length)
data Rate = Rate Text Text deriving (Show)
findBestPrefix number rates = foldl1 longestPrefix $ matching rates
getLength rate = length $ getPrefix rate
getPrefix (Rate prefix _) = prefix
getPrice (Rate _ price) = price
longestPrefix r1 r2 = if getLength r1 > getLength r2 then r1
else r2
matching rates = [ rate | rate <- rates, getPrefix rate
`isPrefixOf` number ]
makeRates = map $ \line ->
let (prefix:rate:_) = splitOn ", " (pack line) in Rate prefix rate
main = getArgs >>= \args ->
let findBest number rates = findBestPrefix number $ makeRates rates
in case args of
(arg:_) -> interact $ (++ "\n") . show . findBest (pack arg) .
_ -> hPutStrLn stderr "Pass in a number as the first argument"
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