[Haskell-beginners] a simple little problem
Dennis Raddle
dennis.raddle at gmail.com
Sat Aug 13 20:04:57 CEST 2011
Can someone suggest an elegant way to write the following?
fn :: [Maybe Float] -> Maybe Float
in which, if the input list has all Nothing, then the result is Nothing
if the input list has one or more Just x, then the result is Just x
(in which the x is picked arbitrarily, could be the first one or last
I have something like
import Data.Maybe
fn list = case catMaybes list of
[] -> Nothing
[x:_] -> fromJust x
Next, an augmentation of this idea (or similar idea).
fn2 :: [Maybe Float] -> Map Int Float
When a Just x appears at position n in the list, then put (key=n,
value=x) into the map.
I have:
import qualified Data.Map as M
f2 list = M.fromList [(n,x) | (n,Just x) <- zip [0..] list]
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