[Haskell-beginners] hslogger question [Solved]

Manfred Lotz manfred.lotz at arcor.de
Sun Aug 7 09:32:22 CEST 2011

On Sat, 6 Aug 2011 21:43:17 +0200
Manfred Lotz <manfred.lotz at arcor.de> wrote:

> Hi there,
> Using hslogger I want to get
>  - error messages and above to stdout and to logfile
>  - debug messages and above to logfile only.

It seems the stderr handler must be redefined. 
Solved now by coding like this:

import System.IO
import System.Log.Logger
import System.Log.Handler.Simple
import System.Log.Handler (setFormatter)
import System.Log.Formatter

-- By default, all messages of level WARNING and above are sent to
stderr. -- Everything else is ignored.

main :: IO ()
main = do
  -- set global level to DEBUG 
  updateGlobalLogger rootLoggerName (setLevel DEBUG)

  -- want only ERROR and above to stderr
  s <- streamHandler stderr ERROR
  -- want all log messages to logfile
  h <- fileHandler "debug.log" DEBUG >>= \lh -> return $
                 setFormatter lh (simpleLogFormatter "[$time :
  $loggername : $prio] $msg")

  -- set handlers completely new
  updateGlobalLogger rootLoggerName (setHandlers [s,h])

  errorM "MyApp.Init" "This is a bad error"

  -- This message will go to logfile only. 
  debugM "MyApp.Main" "This buggy component is buggy"

  -- This message will go to logfile only. 
  warningM "MyApp.Finish" "Still Buggy"


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