[Haskell-beginners] parallel quicksort

Ovidiu Deac ovidiudeac at gmail.com
Wed Aug 3 00:44:03 CEST 2011

I'm trying to write a parallel quicksort algorithm for lists.

This is my original implementation:

quickSort [] = []
quickSort (x:xs) = (quickSort small) ⊕ [x] ⊕ (quickSort big)
           small = [p | p ←  xs, p ≤ x]
           big = [p | p ←  xs, p > x]

and the output is:

$ ghc -threaded -rtsopts -o quicksort quicksort.hs && ./quicksort +RTS -N2 -RTS
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( quicksort.hs, quicksort.o )
Linking quicksort ...
Sorting 1000000 elements...
CPU Time: 13290000000000
Time elapsed: 8.929503s

ovidiu at asus:~/work/haskell$ ghc -threaded -rtsopts -o quicksort
quicksort.hs && ./quicksort +RTS -N2 -RTS
Sorting 1000000 elements...
CPU Time: 11240000000000
Time elapsed: 7.785293s

ovidiu at asus:~/work/haskell$ ghc -threaded -rtsopts -o quicksort
quicksort.hs && ./quicksort +RTS -N1 -RTS
Sorting 1000000 elements...
CPU Time: 6790000000000
Time elapsed: 6.817648s

ovidiu at asus:~/work/haskell$ ghc -threaded -rtsopts -o quicksort
quicksort.hs && ./quicksort +RTS -N1 -RTS
Sorting 1000000 elements...
CPU Time: 6980000000000
Time elapsed: 7.006658s

ovidiu at asus:~/work/haskell$ ghc -threaded -rtsopts -o quicksort
quicksort.hs && ./quicksort +RTS -N1 -RTS
Sorting 1000000 elements...
CPU Time: 5900000000000
Time elapsed: 5.932236s

...so the conclusion is that using option N1 is faster the N2. This makes sense.

Then I tried to parallelize it:

First try:
quickSort [] = []
quickSort (x:xs) = small `pseq` ((quickSort small) ⊕ [x] ⊕ (quickSort big))
           small = [p | p ←  xs, p ≤ x]
           big = [p | p ←  xs, p > x]

$ ghc -threaded -rtsopts -o quicksort quicksort.hs && ./quicksort +RTS -N2 -RTS
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( quicksort.hs, quicksort.o )
Linking quicksort ...
Sorting 1000000 elements...
CPU Time: 12020000000000
Time elapsed: 8.29653s

This is slower then the non-parallel version

Second try:
quickSort [] = []
quickSort (x:xs) = small `par` ((quickSort small) ⊕ [x] ⊕ (quickSort big))
           small = [p | p ←  xs, p ≤ x]
           big = [p | p ←  xs, p > x]

$ ghc -threaded -rtsopts -o quicksort quicksort.hs && ./quicksort +RTS -N2 -RTS
Sorting 1000000 elements...
CPU Time: 14750000000000
Time elapsed: 10.772271s

Even slower

Third try:
quickSort [] = []
quickSort (x:xs) = small `par` (big `par` ((quickSort small) ⊕ [x] ⊕
(quickSort big)))
           small = [p | p ←  xs, p ≤ x]
           big = [p | p ←  xs, p > x]

$ ghc -threaded -rtsopts -o quicksort quicksort.hs && ./quicksort +RTS -N2 -RTS
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( quicksort.hs, quicksort.o )
Linking quicksort ...
Sorting 1000000 elements...
CPU Time: 134490000000000
Time elapsed: 122.917093s

Fourth try:
quickSort [] = []
quickSort (x:xs) = small `par` (big `pseq` ((quickSort small) ⊕ [x] ⊕
(quickSort big)))
           small = [p | p ←  xs, p ≤ x]
           big = [p | p ←  xs, p > x]

$ ghc -threaded -rtsopts -o quicksort quicksort.hs && ./quicksort +RTS -N2 -RTS
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( quicksort.hs, quicksort.o )
Linking quicksort ...
Sorting 1000000 elements...
CPU Time: 12770000000000
Time elapsed: 8.844304s

It seems that I'm unable to make it parallel. What am I doing wrong?


See the full code below:
module Main where

import Prelude
import Data.List
import Data.Time.Clock
import System.CPUTime
import System.Random
import Control.Parallel
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Control.DeepSeq (rnf)
import Text.Printf

quickSort [] = []
quickSort (x:xs) = small `par` (big `par` ((quickSort small) ⊕ [x] ⊕
(quickSort big)))
           small = [p | p ←  xs, p ≤ x]
           big = [p | p ←  xs, p > x]

randomlist :: Int →  StdGen →  [Int]
randomlist n = take n∘unfoldr (Just∘random)

len = 10 ↑ 6

time = do
    t ←  getCurrentTime
    c ←  getCPUTime
    return (t,c)

measure f p = do
   (t1, c1) ←  time
   evaluate $ rnf $ f p
   (t2, c2) ←  time
   return (diffUTCTime t2 t1, c2 - c1)

main = do
   seed  ←  newStdGen
   let rs = randomlist len seed

   printf "Sorting %d elements...\n" len

   (t, cpu) ←  measure quickSort rs
   printf "CPU Time: %dλnTime elapsed: %sλn" cpu (show t)

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