[Haskell-beginners] Network client - reading and writing to a socket

Manfred Lotz manfred.lotz at arcor.de
Tue Aug 2 13:39:32 CEST 2011

On Tue, 2 Aug 2011 02:59:44 +0200
Chaddaï Fouché <chaddai.fouche at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 9:16 PM, Manfred Lotz <manfred.lotz at arcor.de>
> wrote:
> > On Sun, 31 Jul 2011 15:14:23 -0400
> > Patrick LeBoutillier <patrick.leboutillier at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Manfred,
> >>
> >> > The problem is that the message itself is some 30K big and I only
> >> > get some 16K of the message.
> >> >
> >> > How could I force to get the whole message?
> >>
> >> My guess is that you can't. This call:
> >>
> >> c' <- B.hGetNonBlocking h 40000
> >>
> >> tries to read as much as it can (up to 40000 bytes) but it won't
> >> block to wait for data. Perhaps the rest of your message is in a
> >> different TCP packet or delayed or whatever, but I think you have
> >> to keep on reading (and maybe block) until you know you have read
> >> the entire message. The IMAP specs will tell you how to identify
> >> the "end of the message".
> >>
> >> BTW: This issue is not Haskell specific. If you implement the same
> >> code in C, Perl or Java you will have to deal with the same
> >> problem. When you read from a socket, there is no general way of
> >> knowing that the other side has sent everything.
> >>
> >
> > Hmm. I'm not quite sure you are fully right. On the one hand I
> > believe that this could be an issue which arises in python/perl
> > etc. as well. On the other hand I believe it should be possible to
> > receive from a socket what is available at a certain point of time.
> Yes and that's exactly what you have done : your hGetLine blocks until
> there is something to read on the socket and then your hGetNonBlocking
> gets *everything* there is to read on this socket at this exact
> moment... Except as had been said by others that your message has been
> split into several packets and they're not all there when you hGet.
> What you want is not "what is available at a certain point of time",
> you want to read a whole message, except that this "message" notion is
> only in your head (and in a specific protocol, IMAP here) it has no
> direct relevance to how things happens on the network.
> > I found this link http://sequence.complete.org/node/257, and when I
> > run the code I get the full message from the imap server even if the
> > message is a couple of megabytes big.
> Of course you get the whole message ! This code try to read (with
> blocking calls) forever what's on your socket, it reads it, send it on
> a TChan and then retry reading it, bit by bit it gets your whole
> message, of course it has no idea that it got your whole message and
> if nothing is done it will continue to wait on your socket for all
> eternity...
> The key point is this function :
> > listenLoop :: IO a -> TChan a -> IO ()
> > listenLoop act chan =
> >       sequence_ (repeat (act >>= atomically . writeTChan chan))
> This does not stop short of an exception. Two of those loops are
> started each in their own thread (so that they don't block the rest of
> the program) to read stdin and a socket respectively.
> > I have to figure out how to use the code for my need as I do not get
> > the input from the keyboard.
> This code is probably not doing what you want, this is a toy example
> where most of the complexity comes from handling two source of input
> simultaneously and collating their answer on the same TChan. Its main

The code works pretty well, and nevertheless you are right. Because it
is operating in its own thread it doesn't matter if it blocks. 

I guess I understand now. I have to know what to expect back from a
certain command (so that I can adjust the receive accordingly) I did
send to the imap server. 

Thanks to you and the others for explaining.


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