[Haskell-beginners] please critique my first stab at systems programming
Daniel Fischer
daniel.is.fischer at googlemail.com
Thu Apr 14 13:50:26 CEST 2011
On Thursday 14 April 2011 12:14:59, Sean Perry wrote:
> The idea is to walk the disk looking for a signature, say NTFS or EXT.
> Since we do not know where the block containing this identifier is, we
> read the blocks in one at a time.
It may be more efficient to read the entire thing into a lazy ByteString
instead of reading in very small strict chunks.
That also makes the eof check unnecessary.
> Long term I would like to support command line arguments for the name of
> the file and the offset to start looking.
> Comments on style, idioms, etc. welcomed. I am particularly interested
> in the hIsEOF check and if there is a better way to handle that.
$ cabal install stringsearch
-- faster searches for a pattern than provided by bytestring
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Search as L
blockSize = 512
main = do
stuff <- L.readFile "blocks"
case L.indices (BC.pack "PART") stuff of
[] -> putStrLn "Not Found."
(i:_) -> putStrLn $ "Found at " ++ show (i `quot` blockSize) ++ "."
putStrLn "Done."
> import qualified Data.ByteString as B
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
> import IO
> import System.IO
> chunkSize = 512
> searchForPattern handle pat = searchForPattern' 0 handle pat
> searchForPattern' index handle pat = do
> eof <- hIsEOF handle
> if eof then return Nothing
> else do
> bytes <- B.hGet handle chunkSize
> case BC.breakSubstring pat bytes of
> (x, y) | BC.null y -> searchForPattern' (index + 1) handle pat
> | otherwise -> return (Just index)
> main = do
> fromHandle <- openBinaryFile "blocks" ReadMode
> result <- searchForPattern fromHandle (BC.pack "PART")
> case result of
> Nothing -> putStr "Not Found.\n"
> Just n -> putStr $ "Found at " ++ show n ++ ".\n"
> hClose fromHandle
> putStr "Done.\n"
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