[Haskell-beginners] Average of numeric list

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at googlemail.com
Tue Apr 5 13:56:50 CEST 2011

On Tuesday 05 April 2011 11:57:32, Nadav Chernin wrote:
> How can i know when casting of types maked by compiler and when
> programmer must to do it?

Generally, there are no implicit type conversions in Haskell, so you always 
have to do it explicitly.
An exception are numeric literals, an integer literal (in source code or at 
the ghci/hugs prompt) stands for

fromInteger (integerValueParsedFromLiteral)
-- fromInteger :: Num n => Integer -> n

and a floating-point literal (like 1.234e56) stands for

fromRational (rationalParsedFromLiteral)
-- fromRational :: Fractional a => Rational -> a

Unless my memory fails, those are the only implicit conversions the 
language report specifies. In GHC (I don't know which other compilers, if 
any, implement it), you can turn on the OverloadedStrings language 
extension to get overloaded string literals (for instances of the IsString 
class), so "this" could be a String , a ByteString or a Text (and some 
others), provided the relevant modules are in scope.

Other language extensions providing compiler-generated conversions may 
exist (now or in future), but I'm not aware of any.

A different, but not unrelated, issue is polymorphism (with type 
When you use polymorphic expressions - like [], Nothing, (return True), 
(realToFrac pi) - the compiler uses the context in which the expression 
occurs to infer the type at which the expression is used.
If that doesn't yield a monomorphic type, under some circumstances the type 
gets defaulted 
or you get a compile error since the compiler couldn't determine what to 

If you don't use any conversion functions,

mean0 xs = sum xs / length xs,

the compiler infers

- xs :: Num n => [n]
(from sum :: Num n => [n] -> n)
- sum xs :: Fractional f => f
(from (/) :: Fractional f => f -> f -> f)
- combining those : xs :: (Num c, Fractional c) => [c]
Num is a superclass of Fractional, so the constraint can be simplified, 
- xs :: Fractional c => [c]

Then (length xs :: Int), inferred from (length :: [a] -> Int), as the 
second argument of (/) forces c = Int, giving the type

mean0 :: Fractional Int => [Int] -> Int

Normally you don't have a Fractional instance for Int in scope, so the 
compilation would fail with a "No instance ..." error. If you had such an 
instance in scope, the superfluous because fulfilled constraint would be 
removed, giving mean0 :: [Int] -> Int.

Now, inserting the fromIntegral conversion in the second argument,

mean1 xs = sum xs / fromIntegral (length xs)

the first part remains unchanged, resulting in
xs :: Fractional f => [f],

then (sum xs :: f -- for that same, as yet undetermined Fractional type f)
and fromIntegral's result must have the same type f.

fromIntegral :: (Integral i, Num n) => i -> n,

length xs :: Int, Int is an instance of Integral and Num is more general 
than Fractional, fromIntegral (length xs) can have that type, enabling the 
compiler to pick the right fromIntegral as soon as it knows f. Overall,

mean1 :: Fractional f => [f] -> f,

the type f can be determined by passing a list of specific type or using 
the result at specific type.

Inserting a conversion for the sum, say realToFrac,

mean2 xs = realToFrac (sum xs) / fromIntegral (length xs)

changes the constraint on the type of xs' elements, now it need no longer 
be a suitable argument for (/) [Fractional], but for realToFrac [Real].
(realToFrac $ sum xs) has to be the same Fractional type as
(fromIntegral $ length xs) but can be any Fractional type, giving

mean2 :: (Real r, Fractional f) => [r] -> f

r can only be determined by passing an argument of specific type, f only by 
using the result at a specific type.

> On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 12:14 PM, Daniel Fischer <
> daniel.is.fischer at googlemail.com> wrote:
> > On Tuesday 05 April 2011 10:38:37, Nadav Chernin wrote:
> > > Why only  "length as" we must to cast? Why "sum as", that have type
> > > Integer can be used in (/).
> > > 
> > > :t (/)
> > > 
> > > (/) :: (Fractional a) => a -> a -> a
> > 
> > No, sum as has the type of as's elements,
> > 
> > sum :: Num a => [a] -> a
> > 
> > So the use of (/) refines the constraint from (Num a) to (Fractional
> > a). if you want it to work on Integers too,
> > you'd get
> > 
> > mean :: (Real a, Fractional b) => [a] -> b
> > mean xs = realToFrac (sum xs) / (fromIntegral $ length xs)

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