[Haskell-beginners] help using Data.Map lookup - how to get values after the "Just" constructor

edgar klerks edgar.klerks at gmail.com
Tue Sep 21 09:19:03 EDT 2010

Also note that Maybe is a monad. So you don't have to use pattern matching.
Try for example in ghci: fromJust $ Just 1 >>= (\x -> return $ x + 1)

You have to import the Data.Maybe to get the functions in the scope.

On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 3:15 PM, edgar klerks <edgar.klerks at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello Martin,
> You have two options. You can use fromJust :: Maybe a -> a, which is a
> partial function, so it can fail if the supplied value is Nothing and gives
> a hard to track down exception.
> Or you can use fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a,  which returns a default a
> in case Maybe a = Nothing and a if Maybe a = Just a.
> There is also a third: maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b, which can be
> useful in the last step of some chain of functions. Note that fromMaybe is
> just (flip maybe id).
> Greets,
> Edgar
> On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 3:05 PM, Martin Tomko <martin.tomko at geo.uzh.ch>wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> as a newbie, I am only just discovering some intricacies of haskell.
>> I have a Data.Map map, and am trying the lookup function to get the value
>> for a given key (it is a list in my case, btw). I am struggling to get
>> access to the value, as it is constructed using Just. I know that the
>> question is therefore more general then the application on Map, so I would
>> be glad to get a wider picture. I Checked in Real World Haskell, btu did nto
>> find and answer. In Haskell the craft of... I found the following (p263):
>> mapValue :: (a->b)-> Maybe a -> Maybe b
>> mapValue g (Just a) = Just (g a)
>> mapValue g Nothing = Nothing
>> Which is fine, but it makes the Just constructor travel through the whole
>> code, which is annoying. Is there a way out? Or would that be a dirty hack?
>> I do not quite understand the following discussion of maybe (p263-4), but
>> it seems like the code suggested is able to return a value at the end...
>> Thanks
>> Martin
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