[Haskell-beginners] Re: [Haskell-cafe] running and understanding a lifting program

Patrick Browne patrick.browne at dit.ie
Mon Oct 25 18:12:45 EDT 2010

Thanks for taking the time to get the program running.
It seems fine, but I cannot get the *md* to print out, probably missing
the Show class somewhere.

Thanks again,

Patrick LeBoutillier wrote:
> Patrick,
> I found this program interesting and decided to spend a bit of time on
> it, even though I'm still a newbie.
> I did a few things to simplify the code, here are some comments:
> 1) I chose to rename the arithmetic functions in the Number class
> instead of trying to overload the "real" ones, I'm not that good at
> Haskell yet...
> 2) The program had some errors, namely I think the definition of the
> Point type should be:
>       data Point a = Point a a
>      to allow for different types of Points.
> 3) The Points class seemed useless in the end, I simply defined the
> dist function at the top level.
> 4) If you import Control.Monad, it makes functions (and therefore
> "Changing v") into a Monad (maybe my terminology is off here...) and
> allows you to use the general liftM and liftM2 lifting functions
> instead of defining your own.
> Here's the complete program:
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
> data Point a = Point { x ::a, y :: a }
> type Time = Float
> -- Functor Changing, which adds time parameter t to its input value.
> -- For example, Changing Float indicates a changing floating number
> -- (i.e. a function of time).
> type Changing v = Time -> v
> -- Lifting functions
> lift1 op a = \t -> op (a t)
> lift2 op a b = \t -> op (a t) (b t)
> class Number a where
>  add, sub, mul :: a -> a -> a
>  square, squareRoot :: a -> a
>  square a = a `mul` a
> instance Number Float where
>   add = (+)
>   sub = (-)
>   mul = (*)
>   squareRoot = sqrt
> instance Number (Changing Float) where
>   add = lift2 add
>   sub = lift2 sub
>   mul = lift2 mul
>   squareRoot = lift1 squareRoot
> -- The distance operation is defined as follow
> dist :: Number a => Point a -> Point a -> a
> dist a b = squareRoot $ square((x a) `sub` (x b)) `add` square ((y a)
> `sub` (y b))
> -- Running the code
> -- If p1 and p2 are two 2D static points,
> -- their distance d is calculated as follows:
> p1, p2 :: Point Float
> p1 = Point 3.4 5.5
> p2 = Point 4.5 4.5
> -- distance between p1 and p2 --> 1.55
> d = dist p1 p2
> -- For 2D moving points mp1 and mp2, their distance md,
> -- which is a function of time, is calculated as follows:
> mp1, mp2 :: Point (Changing Float)
> mp1 = Point (\t -> 4.0 + 0.5 * t) (\t -> 4.0 - 0.5 * t)
> mp2 = Point (\t -> 0.0 + 1.0 * t) (\t -> 0.0 - 1.0 * t)
> --  distance between mp1 and mp2
> md = dist mp1 mp2
> -- distance md for time 2 ----> 5.83
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> Patrick

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