[Haskell-beginners] Please, help me for myFirstCode

Sok H. Chang shaegis at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 02:36:58 EDT 2010

Hello, everyone.

I need help for my first code.
I write this code for extracting one sentence from text file.

The code is
import System
import System.Random

main = do myHeader <- readFile "C:\\Documents and Settings\\myHeader.txt"
putStrLn $ myExtractSentence myHeader
myExtractSentence file = ary !! ranNoInt
         ranNoInt =<< ranNo                        -- *mark
         ranNo = randomRIO (0, n-1)
         n = length ary
         ary = lines file
There are two questions.

1) I've got following error message.
Haskell>ghc --make Test01.hs -o Test
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Test01.hs, Test01.o )

Test01.hs:10:9: parse error (possibly incorrect indentation)

How can fix it?

2) Is it OK at "*mark" line?

Thank you.

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