[Haskell-beginners] Re: [Haskell-cafe] running and understanding a lifting program

Bastian Erdnüß earthnut at web.de
Mon Oct 25 09:05:54 EDT 2010

On Oct 24, 2010, at 15:12, Patrick Browne wrote:

> hi,
> I am trying to run and understand a lifting program from [1].
> The program lifts points to moving points that vary their position over
> time.
> I made some effort to run the progrm but I do not know how to overide
> the +,-,*,sqr, and sqrt from the Num class. Below is my current attempt.
> I do not wish to change or imporve the code, rather I wish to understand
> it as it stands and find out what needs to be added to get the outputs
> shown below i.e. distance between points p1 and p2 --> 1.55  and the
> distance between moving points mp1 and mp2  for time 2 ----> 5.83.

I got pretty close with

{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}

import Prelude hiding ((+), (-), (*), sqrt)
import qualified Prelude

data Point a = Point a a
type Time = Float

type Changing v = Time -> v

lift0 a = \t -> a
lift1 op a = \t -> op (a t)
lift2 op a b = \t -> op (a t) (b t)

class PlusMinus a where
  (+), (-) :: a -> a -> a

instance PlusMinus Float where
  (+) = (Prelude.+)
  (-) = (Prelude.-)

instance PlusMinus s => PlusMinus (Point s) where
  (+) (Point x y) (Point x' y') = Point (x+x') (y+y')
  (-) (Point x y) (Point x' y') = Point (x-x') (y-y')

class PlusMinus a => Number a where
  (*) :: a -> a -> a
  sqr, sqrt :: a -> a
  sqr a = a * a

instance Number Float where
  (*) = (Prelude.*)
  sqrt = Prelude.sqrt

class Number s => Points s where
  x, y :: Point s -> s
  x (Point x' y') = x'
  y (Point x' y') = y'
  dist :: Point s -> Point s -> s
  dist (Point x y) (Point x' y') = sqrt $ sqr (x-x') + sqr (y-y')

instance Points Float

instance PlusMinus v => PlusMinus (Changing v) where
  (+) = lift2 (+)
  (-) = lift2 (-)

instance Number v => Number (Changing v) where
  (*) = lift2 (*)
  sqrt = lift1 sqrt

instance Points (Changing Float)

> [1] A Mathematical Tool to Extend 2D Spatial Operations
> to Higher Dimensions:  by Farid Karimipour1,2, Mahmoud R. Delavar1, and
> Andrew U. Frank2
> http://books.google.ie/books?id=JUGpGN_jwf0C&pg=PA153&lpg=PA153&dq=Karimipour+%22A+Mathematical+Tool+to+Extend+2D+Spatial+Operations+to+Higher+Dimensions%22&source=bl&ots=fu-lSkPMr3&sig=ztkcRV3Cv6hn9T6iwQCJ9sB75IM&hl=en&ei=QS7ETJHPGoiA5Ab0zZW6Aw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CCMQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=Karimipour%20%22A%20Mathematical%20Tool%20to%20Extend%202D%20Spatial%20Operations%20to%20Higher%20Dimensions%22&f=false


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